Most Recent Messages

Found the tunnel we were looking for a did not realise how dark life could be

Many thanks for all the help and support everyone has given me the past month. I realise that everyone has really tried very hard and really do appreciated all the feedback that you all gave me.

Unfortunately was told something that I never expected.

Wishing everyone good health for themselves and their family.

Heart broken Debbie


Pacemaker donations to animals


Just found this great club & it is very interesting. I wanted to donate my pacemaker after I pass on & found a 800 # for American Vet Association on this web site so I could donate to an animal in need. But I am sorry to report that I was told that they no longer accept used pacers donations. Person I talked to didn't know why this policy was started.

Any body got any further news?

Keep up the good work folks in supporting each other.




Im a 58yr old male who never had a heart problem. Several weeks ago I had an awfull night sleeping. Chest pains, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizzy and chills.Since I had just 2 months ago passed a yearly exam with flying colors I ignored these symptoms. I drove to work feeling very dizzy. My family made arangements to bring me to my Doctors office. An ekg discovered I was in statge 2 heart block with a suprisingly low pulse of 26.Still in denile I was brought to the ER where the Doc...


Update and SVC article link

Hello everyone,

In my last post I wanted to provide the link for the article I mentioned about SVC syndrome becoming an increasing complication with pacer (and assuming ICD) implants. I am not quite sure yet how to incorporate links directly in my posts, so I hope these will work:

Try: OR

This article was just published in this journal...


what just happened???

Hi there. Just sleeping away down here in Australia at about 1 am, when something happened!!!

I was lying on my tummy sound asleep when I was awakened by something electrical, a bit like a small electical shock and a noise like a zzzzzzzzzz. At first I thought "oh ___" what was that!!?%&#*

Well I am truly awake now and am about to look through the site to see if I can find as answer. If anyone else is out there and can help me I'd appreciate it.

I have a Medtroni...


So Understand Jessie!

I so get where you are coming from. I thought when they were young and dropping raw eggs from the fridge and pouring cooking oil all over the kitchen was going to make me crazy.What I wouldn't give for those days. I had know idea that even though they were rasied in a baptist church and all 3 had been saved .I was teaching sunday school,my husband a deacon in the church, involved in bus ministry, sang in the choir,we both worked in the sound booth. In church 3 times a week and my husband went on...


need to know

Hello there I am a new member would like to know if there are any men who dont like the location of there ICD> Mine is above my left chest and sticks out some. I am a tall 6'7'' guy and really like to work out,. The doctor said I could not work out or play golf or catch for two months. Already dont really care for the way it looks when I wear a T shirt. Question is when I work out will the ICD stick out more. I am not being vain. This is all new to me and would really like to have this question...



Hi, I am brand new to this site. I am a 46 year old woman and I just got my pacemaker 2 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with severe vasovagal syncope, my tilt table test was postive, I was without a heartbeat for 48 seconds. The doctors told me that medication alone would not be able to handle my condition, which has been getting worse in the last 6 months. My surgery went smoothly and I was checked today by my cardiologist-he said all looks great. Just wanted to say hi!


New and confused

Hello there I am a tall 6'7'' 39 year old male. Just had a ICD put in me two months ago. My life has changed so much and now I have so many questions. Find it hard to sleep at different times of the day and evening. I am still young. But this ICD is getting me depressed and man do I worry alot now. If anyone can answer questions that I have which is many. Please do.


Need questions answered

Hello I am new to this site. Just did a google search and found it. If anyone is out there who could help me with some questions about this ICD I would appreciate it. Thank you


Heart Stopped

Good morning,

Well I was up re reading all of the posting on this site looking for some input about heart stopping during implant prodcedure. My dear friend of over 45 years was recently taken in for an pacemaker implant due to diabetic complication, AF and other unknown diagnosis. During the procedure which we were told to take less that an hour ended up taking 3 hours + in surgery as heart stopped and was very slow to come back. Is this a normal occurrence?? I can't find out any inf...


Valerie - New words?

Hi Valerie My Sweet - Did you have trouble finding your way to Saddleback to see your uncle? LOL .I do hope he is doing better and can be home soon. Will he have inpatient rehab? Saddleback does have a really good rehab unit.

It seems to me that "awesome" and "amazing" are 2 words that are definitely overused these days..........I don't even like to use them myself anymore because they seem so ordinary and insincere!

How about if you "invent" some new words for us. Seem...


tutti frutti

tutti frutti i'm all rutti tutti frutti i'm all rutti bop dit'll bop cis bam boom tuuti frutti i'm all rutti tutti frutti i'm all rutti bop ditt'll bop cis bam boom. is that how it went? i am silly and showing my age but anybody else remember? lol lol sharon? or peter? or maybe valerie? even tho we all know valerie is just a chick. lol lol so see of anyone remembers all the way back to 1957? jessie


Does anyone have muscle spasms

I have had a dual pm/defib implaneted in march of this year, all has been well...Except that In the last week I've been having muscle spasms, at first it was the area in my right ribs, then it changed to the left rib area, then it move to my left arm, then the area over the icd on the left side. I went to my primary Dr. and she said to call the Cardio. I go in tomorrow but I have never heard of such a thing. Has anyone else had these problems? Thanks and God bless you all......


Update on Lizzy

Hello there to everyone who knows me!! I am so sorry i haven`t been here for the last few months but as you know my life has been totally upside down and the rubbish still hasn`t found an end!! Should all be over by the end of the year! So, yes i have really neglected the site but i think i am finally bouncing back a bit!! Just wanted you to kow i am still here and ok. BUT, what i really wanted to tell you was that about 2 1/2 years ago, a young woman wrote a letter to the site, she had just had...


Getting Nervous

Hi all, hope you are all well.

Well tomorrow is implant day, and I have to say I'm really nervous. I have read so many posts on here, but I still feel anxious. I know that the PM will make me feel so much better, I have heart block, so faint at the weirdest of moments.

I will be logging on frequently over the next few days.

Talk to u soon



Check out that smile!

Blake! You rock!!!
I just checked out your picture and bio and I must say you have a very nice smile.
Pacergirl ;-)


Blake is a pacer stud

Saw the posting totally cute. Yeah


chat room

freebird 22 meet me in the chat room. I will explain what happened to our chat yesterday. Bowlrbob


To Jessie

I am sorry if I offended you. That was not my intention. I understand that they come to live back home and then leave again. My son and his wife seperated and he and 3 of my grand children 11,4, and 3 came also to stay with us. I was recovering from having my pericardial sac removed at that time. They were here for 6wks. They are in the process of getting a dissolution at this time. But when he moved back out I missed all the long talks we had. He has always been very close to me.I undersatand....


You know you're wired when...

You are always wired and full of energy.

Member Quotes

To tell you the truth I never even give it a second thought. While growing up it never stopped me from doing anything and to this day my girlfriend or my kids need to remind me that I have one!