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felt electrical shock from laptop?

Hello folks...

This laptop has been overheat and shutting down...And this morning i got a shock in my left hand while lifting one corner of it. Actually got shock a couple of time.

I did call up the manufacturer...and checked the web site...seems this particular model does have issues...and was advise to bring it in...

In the meantime...still typing on it ever wearing a rubber glove on the left hand.



Bradycardia and atenolol

After a routine check up revealed Afib, I saw a cardiologist who put me on Atenolol to slow the heart 50mgs. A week later I was having dizzy spells, went in to emergency at Brigham and Women's where it was confirmed that my heart beat was slowing down to as low as 7 beats per minute at times.The Dr. recommended a pacemaker and I reluctantly agreed. Now I am starting to wonder, if I had gone off the atenolol long enough, would the bradycardia have stopped. In other words was the pacemaker necessa...


Questions for Dr.

Hi Everyone,
I have my first Dr. appt with the electrophysiologist since she put in my pacemaker for bradycardia. She is with Brigam and Women's Hospital and not a Doctorr on my Heath Plan (I was originally diagnosed for Afrib heartbeat speed up after a routine checkup and had one appt. with my Health Plan Cardiologist before the bradycardia started)
The pacemaker seems fine and no problems with bradycardia.
However even though I can't seem to feel any heart speedup, I do noticed...



Hi Everyone,

Someone suggested I check out think in response to my questions about stroke).It is very negative and
scarey. It portrays Afib as a progressive disease with stroke twice as likely as the regular population even with anti-coagulants-otherwise 5-6 times more likely.It states that our quality of life is severly reduced-the equivilant of severe rheumatoid arthritis.Not very comforting. Anyone have a different perspective ( I have a pacemaker for bra...


blood clots

I have read a lot on here about blood clots.
That people are more likely to have strokes after PM is implanted. My mom just had a stroke and I am concerned about that and much more.


Bradycardia Part II

Has anyone ever decided they did not need the pacemaker after they got one and took it out? Jim


24 yrs old and tired of being tired!

I'm brand new to this site and this is my first post. My short story is that I'm going in on June 5th to consult about/get instructions/and schedule pacemaker implant. I am 24, married with 2 elementary school aged children.

Here's the longer story: I have what my dr. calls a severe case of NCS or VVS (neurocardiogenic syncope or vaso-vagal syncope) with the extra kicker of >5 seconds asystole (heart stops when I faint), and thus he has been pushing the pacemaker for a...


Heeeelp! Squeezing in throat...

I recieved my PM two weeks ago after a Holter test showed a sick sinus problem (Mobitz I & II). All went very well with the implant.
Prior to getting the PM, I would get a strange squeezing or pressure sensation in the hollow of my throat (just below the adams apple). I don't get pain in my chest though.
I have had 24 hr pH tests, X-rays, scopes, you name it - all negative. Of course, in readin many of the postings here, after a while they say it must be in your head, anxiety, panic, e...


We're here ;-)

Hello everyone! Well we have good news... My husband and I are here at Peter and Nina's home. We are having a wonderful time! Peter is doing fine and Nina is beautiful!.. We are so thankful for the wonderful friends we ave made here in the UK. How very lucky are we.
We will keep you posted of our exciting activities as our visit progresses.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Pacergirl and Peter .... Timbo and Nina ;-)


Pace Maker Advice

Hello from Central Arkansas. I'm Angela, the big 50 on July 13th. I really would appreciate your advice knowing what you know now and your experience now. For two years I was misdiagnosed as having simple seizures because I couldn't wake up and my EEG was abnormal. Finally the doc discovered my heart rate was too low and took me off the seizure meds which were causing my problems. Thank God that is over with.

After lots of tears and tests we know I need a pace maker. My heart does no...


my first

I am scheduled for a 3 wire on June 6th. I really have no idea what to expect. Most tell me it is easy. I have read a lot of negative things here.
I have also had 4 heartattacks.
the ast then bypass and then the bypasses collapsed one at a time and I had 3 more. Now this!!! I am stressed, and worried.
I have read aboput depression and I have had enough of that. the heart problems and losing my husband recently--enough.
i Also have seizures that started at age 34 and never...


We are at the Airport ;-)

Hello everyone,
For those following our journey, (others please disregard) we have arrived at the airport and we have made our way through airport security. It's been a while since I have had a stranger touch me like that! No problems traveling with the pacemaker. The journey to meet Peter and Nina is going to be worth every mile we travel. My husband and I are very excited about the trip! I'll keep everyone posted as the day and miles go by. Presently in Wichita, Kansas..... Soon to b...


Read this, pretty interesting!

Hello everyone!
I was searching on the internet and found this imformation. I hope you take the time and read this. I was going to have this done at the hospital when I had my DVT ( blood clot ). The doctors decided not to, why, I don't know. Sounds pretty interesting.
HEART FAILURE: Congestive Heart failure affects about 4.6 million Americans and kills nearly 45,000 people each year. When the heart is weakened, either by disease or defect, it can't move blood through the body...


FU airline mechanic with ICD

  • by JWC
  • 2007-05-18 10:05:26
  • ICDs

This is followup from previous posting... from aircraft mechanic with major US airline. My concerns are related to the magnetic fields and others from the engine and apu etc as I work directly on these running and not runninig.The airline has recentluy approved a company to come into the work area to meaure the fields so that it can be determined if i can return to work or not. I believe this is the first time this would have ever been done. Risk management and legal are involved as I think they...


IPod MP3 Interferes with PM

I just read a post on an Apple site which documented some research done in Michigan by a student.

He discovered that the IPod interferred with patients' PM in 3 different ways:

Oversensing of events
Telemetry interference
Inhibit of PM occurred in 1.2% of study group.

I am taken aback by this finding, but I do believe it is correct.
For more info, google "IPod interferes with pacemaker"


What to expect after pacemaker surgery

I am having a pacemaker put in Tuesday May 22, 2007. In the past I had two ablations and one epicardial ablation, the totally ablated my SA node. I do not have a SA node that works. I have no sinus rhythm. My AV node is trying to control my heart. Because I am in juctional rhythm my heart rate ranges between 40-60. This is the reason I need the pacer. I would like to know what to expect when I wake up from surery pain wise. Does it hurt a lot? How long is it sore for? What helps to reduce the pa...


family matters

another quick cousin who is 3 years younger than me (she's 19, i'm 22) did a tilt table test yesterday and the dr. thinks she has a lighter version of my condition (vaso-depressor syncope) (during the tilt table test i passed out and flatlined for a few seconds, my cousin did the same thing except the dr. had to give her a drug to induce her passing out.) he put her on beta blockers, which i am also on, but told her that eventually she may need a pacemaker, which i just had put in...


Help! Is there anyone out there like me?

I am so frustrated. I recieved a PM on Mar 23 at Mass General Hospital where my Doctors don't have anyone else like me. They can't seem to figure out how to set my PM. I have second degree heart block and a very high hear rate when I exercise. Before my PM my heartrate would drop from 160's or so to the 80's and stay there for a couple of minutes causing me to become dizzy and light headed. Then my rate would jump back to the 130's even though I was resting. Now that I have my PM it seems it...


chest and throat pain

i got my pacemaker about 3 weeks ago and soon after the surgery i started getting pain in my chest and my throat when i would breathe in. it went away, but it has started again, mainly when i go from a sitting to laying position or laying to sitting. last night i ran up the stairs in my house to answer the phone and when i got to the top of the stairs my throat was hurting really bad for about a minute when i would breathe in. i went to the dr. about it about a week after i had my PM put in and...


single Lead VS double lead

I have my PM (single lead VDD) 6 weeks ago because of 3rd degree heart block . I had no problem running for 1hr before it.
Since I received it I am having problem with fast walking or stairs. I talked to PM clinic last week, she turned the switch mode (or something like that) off to see if that helps, but didnt. They told me that my upper part of heart is fine, and lower part needs to be paced.
When I was in the PM clinic, she told me if I had a dual leads PM she could do a b...


You know you're wired when...

Trade secrets can be smuggled inside your device.

Member Quotes

We are very lucky to have these devices.