Most Recent Messages

Skipped beats

Hi everyone,

I just wondered if anyone could help me with a problem I've never seen on here before.

When I crouch down and bend over e.g. when looking under something, or cleaning the floor, my heart pauses. It feels like it's skipping a beat and doesn't do it any other time.

I've had my pacemaker (for heart block) since January and have had many settings problems but I'm worried that this is more of a placement issue as it only happens in those positions. My p...


knowledge seeker

Anyone recommend a good book on AF that is really helpful?

any members in greater Boston who know about the bestg AF Dr's around here? Jim in Newton, MA


PM and AF

Hi All,
I had a pm implant 2 weeks ago for because of low pulse problems.I also have AF but I thought the pm did not help with AF but at least one posting indicated that the pm was helping with AF.So I'm confused. Jim



Hi all.
Just an update. I finally got to see my cardiac specialist for an follow-up and interogation. They turned my voltage from 5 volts to 2.5 (I was told going to a lower voltage does not help battery life) and set my lower rate at 60. It kind of different as my pulse has been so fast for years and I can now feel each beat.

The nurse told me to walk and lenght of the hallway twice and if I made it back I could leave the ward. I guess if you don't die in the hall you pass.


Thank you

I just got several very thoughtful and helpful responses to my postings.My question:
Is there someway to e-mail the individual person to thank them or ask a specific question based on their response. Jim


Feeling tired all time

I got St. Jude Pacemaker in November of last year. I was very tired all the time. I thought after I got I would my pacemaker I would have more engery but I don't. I felt real good for a couple of weeks after getting it but after I went back to work, tireness came back. I would like to get up and walk in the mornings before work (I used to walk 2 miles before I went to work), but I don't have the energy. Sometimes I think something else is wrong.



Well, I need to get with the times b/c my computer smarts are....well....not present. I have computer "not-smarts"

This "avatar" that like a picture I can put from my computer to this site or something? If so, then I saw some people have it, but you need like a 10000 X magnifying glass to see what in the world the picture is, lol.
thanks :)


had my check up

had my check up last monday and they tuned up the pm which seems to have given me more get up and go i dont know if its in my head but long may it last ! am having problems with my insurance company re driving which makes me cross,dont thy realise that i am better now, not worse never mind it will work out soon i hope.kathy


Hello from Finland

Hello all pacers!
I just want to say hello to everybody and wish you all good spring.
Summer is coming soon and here in Finland everything
in the nature looks very beautiful.
As you everybody know,Finland is also called; the land of thousands lakes.
Esa Karhu


Implanted Defibrillators Are Getting Better

By Ed Edelson
HealthDay Reporter

FRIDAY, May 11 (HealthDay News) –– Implanted defibrillators, which deliver occasional jolts to the heart to keep it beating regularly, are becoming much more reliable, experts report.

"What really sticks out is the continuous improvement and the fact that we see a very low level of electronic failure," said Dr. Robert J. Hauser, a senior cardiac consultant at the Minneapolis Heart Institute, who led a study of the devices made by three...


Can I play golf after 6 weeks?

Hi Everyone,
This Thursday will be the last day of week 6 for me, that means I have my PM for 6 weeks now, well almost 6 weeks!
So my question is, can I start golfing? I am not taking any medication or other health issue, all I am worry about is repositioning the PM lead. Mine is VDD single.
Please advise.


Stroke fears

Hi All,
I keep reading how we who have AF are more vulnerable (higher risk) to stroke from Blood clots.What I don't understand is how much of a higher risk are we and what factors figure into the risk. When my original fibulation did not show up on the EKG when I finally had my cardiology appt (my heart appears fine otherwise based on echocard) my Dr. took me of wafarin/coumitin and put me on 325 mg of asprin.(i'm also on 37.5 of atonol?). At first I was glad to get off the wafarin but now...


Marathon success

Had my pace maker fitted in June 2006. Loads of problems for the first 6 months, couldn't run more than a few meters without my heart rate dropping down to below 90bpm.

My cardioligist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 mins.

Still having problems with heart rate dropping though if I try to run fast or up hills. My cardiologist is seeking advice but cannot find a solution.

Although I am...


new to all this

Hi Everyone,

1. Two weeks ago I had a pacemaker implant due to low blood pressure issues.(i'm 60) However I was still having atrial fibulation periodically, so I am on meds for that.I still seem to have episodes.My question..from what I have been reading is it true that certain things can trigger fibulation episodes such as caffine so hypothetically if I become aware of what is triggering me, I might be able to control theses episodes andd decrease them or even stop them?



music in church

Hi everyone!! It's brokenheart! I just wanted to know if any of you ever felt any problems with speakers...see i go to church a lot and there is a lot of loud music and i dont really sit close to the speakers but last week i felt very weak when i was in church and the music seemed awefully loud that day. Anyway, my heart was pounding hard but it was slower than normal and all of a sudden i started feeling dizzy like i was almost going to pass out. does any one know if loud music can affect your...


Market Research Study for those with pacemakers or ICD's

If you have heart problems, a pacemaker or survived a heart attack we need your input for a medical market research study. We are in the process of coming out with a new medical device and need your expertise. If you are interested in participating we will come to your house and interview you and pay you for it. You won't even have to leave your own home. This is only taking place in the Boston and Chicago area. You will be compensated $150 for this 2 hour opportunity. If you are interested and...



My implant Shocks me as I grow and its gotten to the point that im loseing sleep and im getting vary mad and im ready to blow.


update update

Ok, it's a day after my dr visit and at work I have gotten this dizzy spell where I got hot and tingly(I knew it could go south fast lol). The school nurse said my bp was normal. So I'm wondering is this my heart at all?
My doctor put me on Paxil the week before I got the pm. He was thinking the sympoms I was having may have been stress but now I know it was the bradychardia. I'm still taking the paxil. But I'm wondering if anyone else has ever had boughts of dizziness and tingling t...


IPODS, and pacemakers.

This is an addition to Blake's post. Thanks Blake for looking further into this topic.
Although this post is taken from a comment made, in answer to the study led by 17 yrs old Jay Thaker, it, in no way should be taken as an actual fact, since no studies have been conducted, that I know of, as to its veracity.
" A 3.7v device, such as an IPOD, backed by enough current, is ample to cause short range Radio-Frequency-Emissions, that will penetrate flesh easily. The aluminum shell of a pac...



I posted last week about twitches in my chest and missed heart beats. I went to the doctor today and had my pm interrigated. It's been 2 months since the pm was put in and today they turned the voltage from 5 to 2.5. It was amazing how the tech could create the tic on demand for me. So that should be solved.
The missed beats I was feeling were after I exercised. Turns out I had an upper rate of 130. They moved it up to 160. Afterwords they put me on a holter monito...


You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

I live an extremely normal life now and my device does NOT hinder me in any way.