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Great site...

Hi Everyone

This is my first post on here, I hope i'm doing it all right!

I had my pacemaker fitted 23 March 2005 and cannot believe I have only just come across this site - I really could have done with chatting to you all about 2 years ago. My family and friends are fantastic but sometimes I think nobody really knows what sort of effect needing a pacemaker has on me mentally. It's great to know i'm not the only bionic person out there hahaha!

I had my pacemaker...


Auto Seat Belts

This is my first day, so forgive me I ask a stupid question.
Do any of you have and issue relative to your car's safety belt? Mine crosses directly over my PM. Resently I had to applied my breaks quickly and the SB snapped down hard against my PM. I saw my Dr the next day and she said no one ever mentioned this to her before. - Jean


2nd surgery recovery

Last Oct I had a St Jude PM implanted. Last month the tech found both leads were going into my lower heart. I went back in three weeks ago to have the lead fixed. The Dr had to remove the old lead and put a new one in. He went in thru the same incision. Now the cut won't heal well and the Dr told me today it looks infected. I am now on meds to cure the infection. has anyone had a similar problem. Can "water" collect in the wound?


you guys are great!


i must say i have really been enjoying this group. i can tell most of you are young. it's nice to hear the different things you feel with your devices, complications, how you cope etc. i have read so many messages that have validated how i am feeling and then the dr. say "it can't happen" no, it doesn't feel that way etc. it's like we should all band togewther and march saying....something. i have picked a few of you out that i can truewly relate to.

thank you,...


Sleep Apnea - high vagal tone

Hey guys,

I don't know if you recall but about a month ago I was told I needed a pacemaker by my cardiologist and then saw a specialist (EP) who said I didn't need one. My heart would stop beating for 3 seconds at times but only during the night..he said this was due to high vagal tone. I was also diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea and he believed that this may be contributing to that pausing and high vagal tone along with excessive physical activity.

I just wanted to let...


AAWWW, I see......

Thank-you, Rusty for asking that question and in such good description. I have had the same problem with pain(shocks/jolts), and DRs tell me it is nothing. Thanx for the other comments as well. Great info. If I am in pain I will be a pain to DRs. I have had pacer for 7 months.



Thanks for the Rain Dance

Hi Pacers

We have had some rain and the tank is now at seven thousand gallons. The bore is running again so Maestro, your raindance/thoughts worked fine - a big thanks>

Have just booked my accommodation in Melbourne for when we see Rewired Aussie Girl. I really look forward to seeing my special friend. What a great positive to come out of having a pacemaker.

Lately I have found I get really tired. I do suffer from depression and anxiety. I have had a massi...


Ipods and Pacemakers

Hey Everyone,

Please check this out, very interesting article on PM’s and Ipods, they mention how many people who have pacemakers aren’t affected by Ipods becuase they don’t use them.. But I am 23 years old have a PaceMaker and use an Ipod I guess I should stop using them... anyone have thoughts?


Anyone my Age


I was just wondering if there was anyone my age with a PaceMaker? I am 23 years old and my friends make fun of me becuase I am like an old person who was on a blood thinner and have a pacemaker....

Just curious!

Hope all is well with everyone...



2nd pm in a couple of weeks

It has taken me to long to find this site. My first pm was implanted 8 years ago when I was 29 just 8 months after my son was born. I'm 100% paced and I am challenging case so the team of doctors tell me. The first 6.5 years of with my pm were great - I was able to do all my normal activities plus exercise. About year and half ago I started having extreme fatigue, light headed, daily activities can be challenging and shortness of breath. We have done every test on my heart and we decided C...



To everyone who lives in Edmonton and surrounding areas..... let's get some sort of support group together..... where all can meet mutally - 1 - 2 times per month. It would be a good way to network, meet individuals who have a pm, and support individuals who may be struggling.....and have fun in the process! This system is great, however, meeting face to face would be even better!


cell phone

I noticed this posting about IPods....which led me to wonder how many people with pm's use cell phones, and do you notice anything happening good, bad or indifferent! I have been told to not use them at all, and if I have too then for a very short time, and to not use the same ear as the side my pm is on.



Doing some work on the site


I'm doing a bit of work on the site today -- mostly trying to stamp on some oddities with the chat. This may require a restart of the application, which takes about 30 seconds, although I will try to avoid doing so during daylight hours. If things go away, just wait a few seconds and try again.

I promise to try my best to avoid restarting things, but thought I'd post a warning just to be safe.


Chat should work fine

I believe that the slow response times for chatting are resolved, and that the list of active users is now working properly. Also, you should be notified when a user enters or leaves the chat room. Let me know, via private message, if you have any problems.


2nd PM installed today

I had my 2nd PM installed today (medtronics adapta addr01) it replaced my first PM which was 8 years old. My question is I have a great deal of swelling around the incision (same opening as original). I know there seemed to be a great deal of pulling and pushing to get the old one out. Is this normal and to be expected? It sounded so simple, small incision, take the old one out, place the new one in, a few stiches - no big deal or so everyone said. Thanks for any input.


Muscle Spasms.


Today, for most of the day, I was feeling spasms just under my PM. Has anyone else felt this and what did the Doc say about it. Still can't get my head around the whole PM thing. I mean, I am 37 years old and all.



ipods and pacemakers do not mix.

I just heard this on the news, and I want to share it with you.
To make it easier than having to copy the whole article, and comments, I invite all of you, to visit:

I think you’ll all enjoy the comments.
Take care everybody,


I'm home!!

I so have this guys... I'm home from surgery. Got my PM put in yesterday. I was in and out of surgery and recovery to my room. I had some pain in the back of my shoulder...and a little low blood pressure scare around 5am...but all is well and I got sent home. Not raising my arm stinks...Pony tails are a pain! lol. seriously was easy for me. I only hope that my recovery continues to be as smooth. Thanks for all of your answers to my questions... And even though my fiance will never re...


Low Energy Level

10 weeks and its doing the job. I am back to weight lifting and that goes well but the tennis low energy level lack of energy to move fast my serve is not any where near where it was before the Pace Maker. When made to move fast i run out of gas maybe it takes time comments


missed beats

This seems a little elementary but I have a couple questions.
My pm is set for a minimum 60bpm. Is it possible for my heart to skip a beat if it's beating at that minimum 60bpm. Lately it seems that it's missing beats occasionally.
I'm also having occasional tics or twitches below my left pectoral. These twitches keep beat with my heart. It's been just uncomfortable but lately, it aches some in that area. I'm getting dismissed by the doctor's office on this one. Has anyone else d...


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