Most Recent Messages

Discomfort when sleeping AND weight lifting question

I had my pacemaker put in on March 23 and I still have a lot of discomfort. It has been 5 weeks and I am still having difficulty sleeping because when I roll on my sides the PM digs into my collar bone. Does anyone else have this problem? Its driving me crazy! I also have pain at the site, is that still normarl?
Also, is anyone else out there a weight lifter? I teach a class called Group Power at my gym and I am suppose to start teaching again next week. I am a little concerned about l...


First Pacemaker Interrogation Questions

I was implanted with a Guidant 1298 on February 20, 2007 and will have my first pacemaker interrogation tomorrow. I was wondering what to expect, what to ask, what to be aware of.....

Not sure if I will see a rep fro Guidant or my Cardiologist but I do have many questions.......

Any info on just what is done during the first pacemaker interrogation would be helpful......

Thank you....... and I want all to know that this site has given me more answers than all the...


Had the 2nd surgery after 10 days

Hi eveyone,
I got my first PM 4 weeks ago, I have 3rd degree of heart block which I noticed it about month ago. I was shocked when I heard that for the first time. Right after 7 days, I played soccer for about 30 min. I could not run much but I just wanted to convince myself that I am still alive! And can move, sine I love soccer and running. 2 days after I played soccer again for about 1hr. I went home and then the symptoms that I had before PM started. At the hospital they said the lead h...


rate drop response

My pacer is a Medtronic EnPulse DR it is set for me at 70 bpm. The rate response is set so that if my heart rate drops suddenly within a 1 or 2 minute span (not sure which) by 25 points then the pacer kicks my heart rate up to 100bpm for 2 minutes. Then slowly it goes back to the setting of 70 bpm. This gets the blood pressure back up quickly and keeps a person from getting dizzy or passing or even from blacking out. This has worked great for VVS. Now those pesky little split second blackouts wh...


ICD implant under the muscle

I'm new here and just wondered if anyone has had their defibrillator implanted under the muscle? I just had one put in on the 13th of April and was told by my Dr. he had to go over 1"+ under the muscle to put mine in. The thing that is upsetting me now is that I can see the lump still. I would think being that far under the muscle it wouldn't show. I can also feel the hard box when I barely press on the area (I can even feel the edges of it). Is it possible he put it over the muscle and...


Safe mode period

My pacemaker's battery is near the end of its life. It went into safe mode mid-march 2007. I'm 100% paced also. My question is how long can my device go in safe mode? The reason I'm asking is because I'm supposed to get it replaced this week, but I have a sinus infection which might have it pushed back. So i'm a little worried.


Seeking Support Group in Ft Worth TX

I live in Ft Worth, funkytown USA, I'm looking for a support group in my city, does anyone now of one. I have a medtronic dual pacemaker that was inserted Feb 5, 07. Just want people in my city that I can get to know. I'm a 39 year old female very active and I feel like when I wear tank tops people see my scare and I get these wiered looks. So I feel I have to explain then I hear Oh your so young, be careful. I don't want peoples pitty I just want to get back to my life.

You know...


Chat? Chat? Chat?

Hi folks~
I'll be hanging out at the chat room if anyone is interested. It is currently 7.17pm EST (New York) on Tuesday, April 24th.


Groups in Southern England

Can anyone tell me of support groups in Southern England (Hampshire/Berkshire/Surrey). I'm new to all this. Thanks


chat room

Hi just wondered how chat room worked i managed to chat to Tiggerak for a few mins tonight but seemed to then loose contact also couldnt see who was in chat room and had to post message before i could see what was being said or else there was a blank screen any help would be most appreiciated thanks


In the chat room

Come in here! lol




I had a Medronic Dual Chamber P.M. install in March 2006 after collapsing with a full heart block. Since having the p.m. installed I have experienced episodes of feeling that I am going to blackout. These episode's last from a split second to 10 seconds. I have seen my cardiologist who has scanned my carotid arteries, heart, kidneys and I wore a heart monitor for ten days. In addition my p.m. has been checked several times and is functioning correctly. All test have shown that n...


PM Lead goes down not up

Hello, Had a St Jude PM put in last Oct. Got Broncuitus in Nov and coughed for over a month. St Jude tested th PM today and said something was wrong. Dr sent me for xray and found one of the leads in my heart was going down to the lower heart area with the other lead. Now I have to go in to the hospital Thurs and have it changed or a new lead put in. Has anyone ever had that experience? Mr Frog


Chat room


Is there any way you could change the chat room so people could see who’s in the room before expressing themselves. You have to write a message before you know who’s in the room. I hope you consider this for me and others. Thanks Blake!



Incision still bleeding

Hi, my mom had a pm in Sept.06 then in Dec. 06 she had to have it removed due to leads misplaced and major infection. A week later she had another pm put in on her right side and now here it is April.07 and she is still having blood coming from the new site. I'm wondering if it is possible that her body is rejecting the pm or if there is some major infection going on inside.



Hello all,
The longer I have this pm the more I realize I don't know. An earlier question was asked about tattoos and infections. Do we need to be more aware of infections than other people? Is a general infection more likely to head for our heart or for the pm site?
I'm also wondering about genetics. I'm diagnosed with sic sinus syndrome. Are there any concerns I need to have about my kids?
Thanks again,


Wow!! Its been 3 years!!!

Its exactly 3 years since I got my pacemaker and Im feeling just great!!
This website has got me through the tough times! Thank you all so much!!
Love to you all-Kay


length of time

Hi, Can anybody tell me about how long I can expect the batteries to last in a Bi-V pm that paces 100% of the time? Thank you. AMYMARLA


Here we go again! CHAT ROOM

Hello guys the time is now 7:30, and in an hour and a half the chat room is open ...come on in and lets all chat! Stay well, Colleen


pain at site,?use of tegretol

Hi. I have had my pacemaker since mid January and am having pain at the site, my dr says I'm too thin, the pacemaker is still moving around in there!! Has anyone ever been prescribed Tegretol for this problem? The dr. is reluctant to redo the surgery. Help!!! Thanks, Karen


You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

I feel so blessed to have this little gem implanted in me. When I think of the alternative it is quite overwhelming sometimes.