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Followup To First PM Interrogation

Took everyone's advice and contacted my cardiologist yesterday about the chest pain being caused by the rate response being turned on last week during my first PM interrogation.

After some discussion, my cardiologist agreed to my request to turn off the rate response, due to chest pain. He did say that my heart's internal pacemaker will raise my heartrate without the PM, so there was no critical need to have the rate response turned on.

It was the opinion of my cardiolog...



I have moderate to advanced arthritis in one of my hips and tomorrow I will have a fluoroscopy with cortisone shot. I was wondering if any of you have had this done and if it gave you nay problems with your pm. Also, did you have to take antibiotics before the procedures. I have to take that for any dental work.
Thanks in advance.


changing from a 2 lead to a 3 lead

Hi everyone, I recently posted because my husband has been having bouts of CHF and several trips to the hospital because of fluid build up in his lungs. A little reminder on background - he has had cardiomyopathy for about 9 years and last Oct. had a Medtronic 2 lead ICD implanted because of v-tach. Now because of the CHF and it seems they are out of options other than a heart transplant our cardio wants us to talk to the EP about changing this one out for a bi-ventricular (3 lead). He is so...


Need Helpfor my Mom/80 years old

My mom is 80 years old, and went to the dr complaining of fatigue and heart palpitations. Two weeks later, after a Holder monitor, we were told she needed a pacemaker because her heart was beating too slow, caused by faulty electrical action of her heart. She had a st. judge dual chamber installed mid-March. She seems to be feeling a lot worse, not better. The fatigue and now, depression, are extreme.

We were told by the doctors on Friday (April 26) that they had never heard t...


Small shocks

Last night I was awakened by what felt like small shocks or pin pricks in the area of my heart. I am 100% paced because of a complete heart block, have had my pacemaker for 3 years and never had this happen. It worried me, lasted about 15 minutes, with some shortness of breath, but I didn't get out of bed (was too worried to get up)
Has this happened to anyone else? Should I mention it to my EP or cardiologist? I am fine today.



cortizone and PM

I have had 3 spinal injections with cortizone where they used an xray to guide the needle in. No problem with PM. I did have to stop warfarin for 5 days prior to the procedure.


Honeymoon with recent PM implant

I'm 22 years old and I just got a pacemaker implanted a week ago. I'm getting married in 3 weeks and we're planning on flying to Colorado for our honeymoon. What do you think about flying so soon after having a pacemaker put in? I've never flown, so I'm a little nervous about that, plus flying across the country with a new pacemaker (I live in VA).

Also, my family is traveling to Disney World in June. I'm hesitant about riding the rides with shoulder harnesses because of the contact i...


EMF and computers/power supplies

I'm a 49 year old male and had a Medtronic pacemaker implanted 3 weeks ago to correct bradycardia I've had on and off for almost 20 years! I work in a large computer lab and upon returning to work after 10 days, I noticed that my heart rate would increase to around 130+BPM everytime I walked into the lab area. It didn't dawn on me until the next day that there are several large power panels near each entrance and apparently were giving off high EMI. After enduring this discomfort for a few da...


That weird "whew" feeling with NCS

I was going to post to an earlier topic but have had computer problems, so I thought I would start my own topic. I also get strange feelings due to NCS like ela-girl described. When it happens to me it occurs about 5-6 times in one day and then not again for a month or so. Something just happens to your brain for a short moment and all these weird thoughts rush in at once. A while ago I was having one of these days. I was at work in the tea room and while I was walking with a full cup of hot tea...


Questions for first checkup

I am going for my six week exam. Is there any questions I should be sure to ask? I know I have my list but I don't want to forget anything. I still occationally have pressure in my chest which is only relieved by taking advil for at least 24 hours. I though this would be gone by now. Does anyone else have this?


First Pacemaker Interrogation

Just had my first pacemaker interrogation last week and have had problems with chest pain since.

The Guidant Rep asked how I felt. I said I did not have the energy I had before the PM. The Guidant Rep decided to turn on the rate response accelerometer to increase my heartrate upon physical exertion. I was told there are three settings, and I am set in the middle (not sure what the differences are) .

Since the accelerometer was turned on I have had chest pain riding my law...



Hello from Aussie..
Have had the problem of irregular heart beats since 1992 which has been controlled by medication (Tambocor), however the medication has not been able to control the problem for the last six months..
Had a cardioversion eight weeks ago and felt great for three weeks but the heart decided to play up again.
My doctor still relluctant to put in PM and we are going for another cardioversion next month..
It does look like a PM is to come..What I would like to kn...


Here I go!

Hello there! I'm 32 years old and I'm so glad to know I'm not the youngest person with a pacemaker (or will I'll be having my pacemaker put in on the 9th. Switching out a monitor that is alrady been hanging out for a few weeks. I guess what I wanted to ask is: How long should I take off from work. I am a retail store manager. I was fine after about 3 days when they put my monitor in. Will the pm be that much different really? Also the whole lifting my arm above my head thing. Is tha...


CHF and difficulty breathing

My husband has a Medtronic 2 lead ICD - implanted 10/06. Since he's had the ICD he's developed CHF and we've been to the hospital at least 4 times for difficulty breathing because his lungs fill with fluid. After IV lasix and c-pap machine he comes around. They have told us to watch for swelling in his feet and weight gain which he has not had in the past when the problem starts. However, last night and today I have noticed that the tops of his feet are kind of puffy (no weight gain). So...


Neurocardiogenic syncope

I have been diagnosed with Neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS) and a I had a PM implanted 1-18-07 to prevent me from blacking out. My condition is rate drop, beta blockers are not an option because I’m an asthmatic. On an average I have 15 to 20 rate drop episodes daily. The parameters of my setup is a rate drop of 40 bpm in 15 seconds or less with the pacemaker intervention then raising my heart rate to 90 bpm for two minutes. During the day my low limit rate is 60 bpm & at night when in sleep m...



I have an ejection fraction of 20%. I am on meds to try and increase. I am a canidate for a bi--ventricular pacer after 3 months of meds if they fail. Does anyone know how I can get some info on the best make and model.The companys just issue some general information. I probably will get only one shot at this and would like to make the best decision possible. i am wearing a life vest at present and trying to live as normal as possible


Pacemakers and Sporting Heart Rate Monitors

I've had some troubles with my PM and running (see Breakdown at 130 posting) and have recently bought a Polar F6 heart rate monitor to keep an eye on my heart rate during running, biking, etc. I talked to Medtronic and they didn't think it (heart rate monitor) would interfere with my PM. Polar (manufacturer of the HR monitor) didn't know. Does anyone with a Pacemaker have any experience using a training type heart rate monitor. Thanks.



I'm a backpacker and was wondering how to protect my PM from a heavy backpack strap. Are there any devices available commercially to 'attach' to a backpack strap that will protect my PM. Thanks for any ideas.


Just to Say: Hi Again

Hello Pacers.

It seems ages since I logged in and then I find the site has been updated. Congratulations to Blake for the changes. I am getting used to it all - have been off air due to computer breakdown.

Well, I had a fantastic time on holiday with Rewired. Kay and I get on so well. She is a wonderfullady and a wonderful friend. So supportive. ( I have been going through a really bad bout of depression) So, if I need a laugh to cheer me up I ring her. MY photos a...



Hi I notice a pacer Billie Hyde. Well my name is Billie too.


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Member Quotes

A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.