Most Recent Messages in ICDs


  • by GARYD
  • 2019-02-15 11:35:44
  • ICDs


I am new here, thank you for having me.  My ICD implant was done 01/18/2019. In brief, I had a heart attack 12/26/17, remained on Brilinta and associated stomach, HBP meds. Echo revealed the 30 % and ICD implant was the route.  Previous to the implant, I was at 12.5 MG of Metoprolol as the 25 was too high. My BP before the surgery was getting higher - Doc put me on 25 once a day. I had stability in my BP initially after the surgery but readings have been 165/117 and not...


sympathectomy side effects

Hi All:

I have been throught the progression of medications to control my ventricular tachycardia.  Sotolol lasted 2 1/2 years without an episode until a month ago.  Had 9 icd shocks in 45 minutes.  Doctor took me off sotalol and put me on amiodarone.  Nothing since then.  He has suggested doing a sympathectomy to control the VT and thus the shocks.  Does anyone know the downside to a sympathectomy?  Reserch on the internet suggest that most are happy...


House Insurance

I know I am at risk, having the gene associated with a certain channelopothy linked to sudden cardiac death and my ekg shows what could be called a slight abnormality so I have been recommended by a great expert to get an ICD. But I cannot find any cases of ICD's saving anyone. I have found lots of people getting shocks from their implanted cardioverter defibrillator but know one seems to be sure if it was needed therapy or a malfinction. Niether on line or from my doctors...



Had my ICD fitted in Novemeber.had Cardiac Arrest in December and have felt fine.  The last few days it has been beeping at 10.10am.  I phoned the Cardiac Dept.  to be told it is probably a build up of fluids.  Anyone else had this problem ?


CRT-D fitted

Hi all, here's my story.  In September last year, at 47yrs, I found out that my GPs diagnosis of Asthma 7 years ago was in fact heart failure!  I had an EF of 20% (most likely cause was a virus) and no other heart/valve problems but lets face it thats enough!!  I had a Boston Scientific CRT-D fitted on December 18 and my EF with the help of meds had gone to 32%.  I thought I would bounce back after the operation much quicker than I have.  I am able to do more as e...


Dolphins, dolphins, dolphins

Hi All:

Couple months ago I asked the "dolphin" question.  There was quite a relay back and forth about different species of dolphins, and some of you actually gave me some good advice on whether I could or should swim with a dolphin. .  I went to the Dominican Republic in January of this year.  I kissed a dolphin.  I shook "hands/flippers" with a dolphin and I hugged a dolphin.  They said I couldn't swim with one, but I did what I though...


statistics on ICDs

How come there seems to be no statistics on al things related to heart conditions and ICD stuff? Almost every question I asked specialist and cardiologist  was answered with there are no statistics yet. With computers and new ways of compiling data, how could there not be more info on numbers on this topic?  Perhaps all medicine is like that?


Are all pacemaker defibrillators the same size?

Obviously the smaller the better?


Has anyone researched what is the best thinnest smallest high end unit on the market in 2019?  I am only putting in one and I want it to be the best. How do I know my cardiologist is not contracted to a certain brand of ICD that might not be the absolute best? 


Shocks and babies

Getting an ICD as soon as I decide the time is right - next week or in 3 months. 


I survived until now I figure I will last a while longer. 



If I have the ICD in and for whatever reason it gives me a shock and I am holding a child or a baby, is it strong enough to harm the baby or child I have contact with?


ICD moved?

So I just noticed it seems like my ICD has moved a bit south.  Wondering if it's okay to wait until the next business day to call my doctor?  


9 months later

Thank ypu for your advice. I went to the ER was there for several hours. They told me they dont know whats wrong only the dr who put it in can say whats going on and they made the appt two weeks away. Sometimes i really regret the icd being put in because has been in total alomst 2 years of problems and i am tired. when you get these you cant just get rid of it. The heart becomes dependant and gets lazy so if they take it out it'll cause problems. This just isnt living its more like a bat...


9 months later

For 9 months i complained of pain swelling after 9 months the dr said the icd had to come out due to corrosion and thinning skin. They replaced the icd because during surgery they discovered it was defective. Now they put a different one in subpectorial and i have had no problems for 9 months until this past week. The area is swollen red mark one can feel the unit where i couldnt 3 weeks ago. When i bend over or move my body it feels like its falling. They looked at eray and appears everythin...


Third ICD implanted yesterday

Howdy All,

I had my ICD replaced yesterday, for the third time overall, and the second time down here in Myrtle Beach. They also replaced one of my leads as it was one of those recalled ones and he had enough room in the artery to add it. He cut and capped the original flaky one. Since I play golf about three times a week my EP wanted to get this done before I got any older as the risks tend to increase with age. The only downside is that I’m shutdown from golf for...


ICD newbie

I am 48 years old, and I just got my ICD for idiopathic ventricular tachycardia in November.  I received my first defibrillator shock yesterday.  Just saying hi.


omg the itching

when does the itching stop? it's like a cast and with all my blood thinners it's not a good idea to scratch so anyone else have itching from thier site and how long till it went away? it's been 2 full months I'm hoping once me scar goes fully white it will go away



Today makes 9 weeks post op of my ICD. The last few days I’ve been experiencing some pinching sensation around my ICD. Even when turning my neck, I feel the pinching. I would like to think this far out it should be settled in. 


Possibly having an ICD implanted after my 27 year old sister died suddenly

My sister and i are two years apart exactly (she just turned 27 and i just turned 25). We have both had seemingly random syncope episodes our entire lives. We both have had extensive cardiac workups that showed nothing. She died suddenly a couple weeks ago, presumably a sudden cardiac death as her heart stopped beating for no apparent reason. Everything looked normal on her autopsy too. I went back to my cardiologist and he has mentioned potentially putting an ICD in sometine soon. Even...


20 year old female with pain

My 20 year old daughter was diagnosed with a left ventricular  aneurysm at birth and followed by a pediatric cardiologist for 20 years. In these 20 years she never had any substantial symptoms (besides some dizziness) that would lead us to believe that her heart condition would cause her any problems in life...until recently. She was waitressing at a small  restaurant in town when she went into sudden cardiac arrest. Luckily there was a first reaponder nearby who pref...



Well I'm back again. Just had my checkup after ICD implant and all is good.  Sorta. Been told I can go find a job but with only half a working heart finding that my options are pretty limited. Nothing too strenuous is quite a gray area. So am asking if anyone can relate and what kinds of jobs can I do. Feeling pretty stressed about now Thanks for any imput, I would appreciate it.


Pinching & Tenderness 7 post implant

Currently going on 7 weeks post implant. My dominant arm is the left, while at work my arm and around the ICD was sore. I feel that the next morning the implant seems a little more pretruding than usual. Also feel some pinching sensation mainly around top the ICD. Is that normal?


You know you're wired when...

Microwave ovens make you spark.

Member Quotes

I am not planning on letting any of this shorten my life. I am planning on living a long happy battery operated life. You never know maybe it will keep me alive longer. I sure know one thing I would have been dead before starting school without it.