Most Recent Messages in ICDs

Medical I’d bracelet

hi y’all I had a ICD and crt-d put in a few days ago. Do I need to get a medical I’d bracelet 


Warm sensation

  • by May13
  • 2019-05-29 22:21:11
  • ICDs

I had an ICD placed two weeks ago.  Is it normal for it to sometimes feel warm?


discomfort at night

hi does anyone else get scared when inbed? my pacemaker moves about and it frightens me but am told this is normal it is qute heavy too as I am very thin now but it has changed my life so hey ho x



arm pain

I would like to thankyou both for your kind commentsand help here I had not realised maybe I could get help I know that Physio is useless and also tried acupuncture  no good   my arm was taped up and immobile for 5 hours so I gue that s why as you said just have to live with it now x  thanx again guys




Twitching/muscle spasms

I received my BVICD 3 weeks ago. I have been experiencing twitching/muscle spasms over my whole body since i received the implant, mostly at night. Please let me know if any of you have had this experience and how you resolved it. Thank you


Pain after surgery

I'm brand new to this group. I just turned 51 and was told 9 weeks ago i have cardiomyopathy. After several tests, angiogram, cardiac mri, chemical stress test etc they found i had a blockage in my circumflex artery. I was awaiting the stent procedure this month, was scheduled for May 9, 2019. On May 5th i passed out from Ventricular Tachycardia, was brought to hospital where 4 days later had an icd implanted. It is now approx 17 days later and i am in so much pain in my left shoulde...


Lasik rejection due to ICD

Went to get evaluated for Lasik - but was rejected due to my ICD - was told that the laser equipment may interfere with my ICD (not the laser itself, obviously)

Anyone else experience this? Any alternatives or Opthalmologists that DO perform Lasik in an ICD friendly setup?




Still new to this. All advice still welcomed... But, I feel much better and stronger.

I'm coming up on my two week mark after having my ICD implanted. My strength level has returned oh, the pain has subsided substantially, and I can no longer feel my heart beating when I used to feel my PVCs all day all night and everywhere in between. Evidently the medication they put me on which is Lisinopril with hydrochlorothiazide and a beta blocker the starts with the letter C and I still can't pronounce, is doing its job in conjunction with my new low salt diet, exercise, and&nb...


Pregnancy/giving birth with an ICD/pacemaker

Hi! husband and I were trying for a baby before my unexpected cardiac arrest in December 2018. It has been 5 months (today) since my SCA (4.5 months since my ICD/pacemaker implant). My diagnosis was: Arrhythmogenic Mitral Valve Prolapse. I know this is a personal question, but do you think it's too soon to start trying for a baby again? I'm pretty stable emotionally, I think my ideal beta blocker dosage has been figured out (I'm on 5mg of bisoprolol - which is supposed...


Pacemaker vs ICD

Hello, I was just wondering if someome could 'dumb down' the difference between a pacemaker and an ICD. Who would need an ICD? 


S-ICD to ICD ?

The current discussion I'm having w/ my doctor is going from an S-ICD to an ICD because the device is picking up too much "muscle noise" when I play drums.  I'm wondering how common this sort of mis-reading happens.  Not neccessarily with just drummers, but with people who partake in activities that really work their chest muscles & lats.  Anyone here who's had to have their device changed?


Dick Cheney

Dick Cheney got a heart transplant @ 71 after several heart attacks. He doesn't have an ICD anymore, he's got a fully functioning healthy heart.


From pacemaker to CRTD, Mitral valve replacement and tricuspid valve repair.

Hi, I've been here before. In 2015 I had an hybrid ablation for persistent afib. After the ablation I received a pacemaker. Because my heart trouble conintued genetic screening was done and I found out I am the carier of a LMNA defect of the heart muscle. I have LMNA or Lamine A/C cardiomyopathy. This puts me in a high risk class for cardiac arrest so my pacemaker will be replaced by a biventricular ICD by the end of June.

The operation is performed during open heart surgery. My mit...


New to the club!

Hi all! I'm new to the club! I got a Boston Scientific ICD/Pacemaker implanted January 2019 because I had a SCA at work in December. It was a huge shock (no pun intended) because I'm a very healthy 33-year old woman. I'm so, so, so grateful that I survived. The doctors believe that I have 'Arrhythmogenic Mitral Valve Prolapse.' I've known about the "mild" MVP ever since I was a kid (and I saw a cardiologist once a year, just in case) but there was n...


Did your CRT-D improve your health

My EP is going to try, for the third time, to get my third wire in place in my CRT-D. I am hoping that the third time is a charm and it will work this time.

For those of you with a CRT-P or CRT-D, did your numbers improve, or did you feel better? Just hoping all of this is worth it.





Digital Life

I feel more digital when I am reminded not to behave normal. Sometime I feel frustated but I know my loving fellows care for me and dont want to lose me again. Some people asked me how you felt when dead and how you felt when you came back. What was there when you went out of life and how was the experience. I find it funny and a bit imaginative, but the most important thing was that I came back for ICD to be inserted as a life partner to me. Now I have two spouses


Ejection Fraction and Pacemaker/ICD

My cardiologist is concerned that my EF, over the past 5 years, has gone from 44 to 33 to 28. She talked about being on the downward slope and is talking about needing a transplant down the road, etc. Happy conversation (not).

I feel great, an considered Class 1 with no symptoms.I have a pacemaker/ICD in place, but it needs a third wire connected so it performs as a CRT.

Question for the group is if a pacemaker has inmproved EF in your case.  or if you have seen your EF incre...


CRT - D placement of third wire dilemma

My EP had difficulty placing the third wire of my CRT-D. He mentioned that my options were either having it placed surgically or explore HIS pacing as an alternative. I met with a surgeon yeaterday  regarding placing the wire and he discouraged it right now since I am Class 1 (no symptoms). He also mentioned that I should wait until I really need one when I am showing symptoms of HF. At this point, the reward does not equal the risk (he mentioned that the wire only lasts 3-4 years a...


Hard blow to ICD

In Mid December of 2018, I went to the San Diego Airport to pick up family from England coming for  Chistmas. I got an Aiport Baggage Cart to help out. Whilst pushing this cart, a piece of baggage fell of it and I tripped on it. When I was on my way down, the Baggage Cart had turned upwards as I had my hands on the crossbar. The result was a very hard blow directly on the ICD which was extremely painful. It had been installed in April of 2018. Pretty soon, an Ambulance appeared...


electric wheelchair and electromagnetic area near wheels

will the pacemaker/icd be affected by an electromagnetic device near the wheels of an electric wheelchair? Do all electric wheelchairs have it in their motors?


You know you're wired when...

You have a shocking personality.

Member Quotes

I live an extremely normal life now and my device does NOT hinder me in any way.