Most Recent Messages

Just a quick update...

Hello everyone, still no diagnosis.

Went to pain more pain meds. They questioned whether my body is reacting to the pacemaker itself (good thought, except my EP doesn't buy it). Went to vasc guy--spent not more than 5 minutes with me without even looking at my arm (or even my legs with the bad varicose veins). His "intern" only did a little without even letting me completely tell him what was going on. Total waste of time.

Went on to ortho. Didn't take t...


Soreness,shoulder pain

I found this wonderful site last night and joined immediately. A big thank you to you all for describing all your initial fears and pain - at last I know I am normal.

I have been in pain since June 12 when I had my Medtronic PM inserted. Glue was put on my wound and it would not move until after a month and the pain is less intense. I now have soreness where the PM is, at the side near the shoulder and the shoulder itself. The sorenes is also all across the collar bone and across...


Feel my pacemaker pacing

I have had my pacemaker 11 months. I had an AV node ablation. My problem is that I am aware of the pacemaker almost constantly. My EP Doc says that I am just overly sensitive. I had much rather not feel it beating. Anyone else with this problem. Mine is ST. JUDE MEDICAL # 5386.


Posting for my Grandma

Hello! My name is Brandy and my Grandmother has had a difribillator and pacemaker implanted because of a slow beating heart. She just turned 80 and is very active; sometimes too active!! The reason I joined is because she has been feeling 'different' ever since the implants. On February 14, 2007, she was woken up with a small pain, then sharp pain in her chest. She went back to the hospital and found out that the cable connecting the dibrillator to her heart had come loose. She had to undergo su...


beating in arm

I don't know what I was thinking, the beating is in my Dad's left arm, the side where the PM is located.


beating in right arm

my dad just had a pacemaker installed last Monday. He's 82.
He's home now, but claims he doesn't feel any better. He told me today that he has beating in his right arm, and it feels warm. I asked him if it is constant, and he said it's not. I'm thinking that this might be caused when the pacemaker kicks in. I caled Medtronic, but they won't give me any answers, said to call his Doc, but it's Saturday. Any advice? Is this normal?


Will a pacemaker help?

I had my mitral valve repaired and also the Maze procedure done in 2002. since then I have had numerous cardioversions and 3 ablations. I am still having Afib and flutter problems. My cardiologist wants to put in a pacemaker and then 2 weeks later do an AV node ablation. I know I will probably need to continue a beta blocker but I would like to know if anyone has experience with this scenario? My hope is the AV node ablation will help control the afib and flutter and I won't need an antiarr...



does anyone know if there is a problem with this?



Just wanted to share this, I talked to a friend of mine last night, former neighbor, and informed her that I had a PM implanted. She related to me that several years ago doctors told her she needed a PM and she refused. She was diagnosed with Bradycardia. She just turned 81 and still has Bradycardia with a normal pulse rate of 44- 50. How long can a person survive with Bradycardia without have a PM??? Just curious. She has lived 15 years without one and in fairly good health. Any comments?...


beating in left arm

Thanks so very much, Smitty...and Gellia2, for the info. Saw my Dad tonight. He is walking much better, quicker and more sound steps. I think he expected a miraculous recovery, wanted to feel better instantly (as the Doctor said he would). I told him what I'd read from the "clubmembers" and that all recovery times vary. I will call the Doctor on Monday. They did not schedule a follow up appt. for him after he was discharged from the Hospital. II called the office, and they said my Dad will meet...


pacemaker replacement

i just had my pacemaker replaced on 7-19-07. the leads were fine so they were not replaced. how long before i can start running and weight lifting again. do i have to wait 6 weeks like the original operation? thanks


Rate Response and UPPER LIMIT Rate of PM

Dear All,

I have a Double Chamber pacemaker since November 2005 (though I have been on pacemakers for the past 16 years), with rate responese function with limits set as 60-120. The rate response function was switched off by my doctor as my atrium can set rates on its own (Has always been). I am 38, located in New Delhi.
Now I was noticing over the past one year that when I climb steep slopes, say on hills or on the great Wall which is really steep, I was having real problem in...


Hang in there.

For all of you that are having problems with your pacemakers, hang in there. Pacemakers should not be giving you problems. They are there to help your heart, not make it worse, not hurt and not make you feel like you're choking.
I have now had a pacer for 32 years. Problems? Sure, but persistance at getting them solved and an understanding cardiologist have helped. I just recently switched from a cardiothoracic surgeon (he just grew too old to operate - 84 years old!!) to a very fin...


Sore Shoulder

Hi Pacers

It is winter again, very cold and I have developed my painful left shoulder again. I get a pins and needles feeling down the shoulder blade at times. My Doc says it is osteo arthritis and had it xrayed. I get the results on Monday. I have had this pain on and off since my pm was put in on my left side below collar bone. Anyone else suffer the same prob and how do you cope. It is so painful and affects driving. Keep well folks.


Kidney disease & a pacemaker

I have polycystic kidney disease and have had a pacemaker implanted for a few years now. It has totally changed my life for the better! Does anyone have a combination of kidney disease and a pacemaker. I am only 42, but I will need a kidney transplant in a few years and I wanted to know if the pacemaker would interfere?




New Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

We frequently have people asking questions or telling us about about having treatment for artial fibrillation. I thought the following article from the Temple Daily Telegram on 7-16-07 might be interesting to some.


Scott and White surgeons in Temple, TX, Monday were the first to use a new device they helped develop for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of heart arrhythmia, affecting more t...


Moving pacemaker

I had a pacemaker implanted May 24 th this year 2007 , since the first week It turns up when I lay on my right side.I have to push it back in place. The doctor said it would probably be O.K. It stays some what sore. has anyone had this problem?


4 loose

My father has had his lead come loose 4 times in 6 years. He is 89 and the doctor this time is going to put a stint into the arterrt and screw into that. Has anyone had this problem before and what have they done?



Hello again,
I posted a message last week but thought I'd do it again just in case .. .. .. ..

Just wondering whether any Irish Pacers would be interested in getting together. Please let me know if anyone is interested, there's 3 of us so far (from Dalkey, Donegal and Galway) but there must be more of you out there ........... drop me a line with any thoughts, thanks and look forward to hearing from you ......

Best regards,


Now Need Aortic Vavle Replacement

It had been four months since my PM implant and I had been experiencing chest pains. Had a heart cath done a couple weeks ago to determine the cause. I was told by my cardiologist that my aortic valve (which is bicuspid and should be tricuspid) now needs to be replaced. I am seeking an opinion from the Cleveland Clinic regarding the pending surgery....If all goes well expect to have the valve replaced the end of July or first of August at CCF with surgery done by Dr.Lars Swensson......


You know you're wired when...

Your device makes you win at the slot machines.

Member Quotes

I have a well tuned pacer. I hardly know I have it. I am 76 year old, hike and camp alone in the desert. I have more energy than I have had in a long time. The only problem is my wife wants to have a knob installed so she can turn the pacer down.