Most Recent Messages in General Posting

How much it means....

Hi fellow pacers.... Just feeling a bit down today and thought I would tell you guys how much it means to be able to read of the good news, the showing of support for one another and general feeling of good will that I find here.
Some days just seem to be difficult . Just when I think things are working out.... life just kicks me in the seat of the pants again. So sorry to be so down.... this will pass, I hope and I hope it is sooner than later. Somehow I keep thinking if I didn't have this...


pacemaker and rides at eurodisney

Hi there
my 2yr old has just had her 1st pacemaker fitted (she has complete heart block amongst other things). we are taking her to meet mickey mouse as a reward for being so brave. does anyone know how i can judge if the rides are safe for her/her pacemaker.

Many thanks



shoulder pain

i had long awaited surgery four days ago to have old pm removed and new one put in deeper into the muscle. i have the expected soreness around the wound but unexpected shoulder problems almost like a severe muscle spasm stopping me putting my shoulder in a comfortable position does anyone know what position your arm is in when they do the surgery as i was well sedated and dont remember anything thanks



Hey guys!!!! OMG I missed everyone here sooooo much! I am like so hyper right now! I can't wait to apply to Camp Odayin to actually really truly physically meet other kids JUST LIKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, I was reading one of my brother's church magazines and I FOUND A GIRL ONLY 2 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME WITH A PM! OMG HOW COOL IS THAT!?! Now the only question is, how to contact her... Anyway, thought I would check back and get some steam out.

P.S.- Go to YouTube and check out th...


Our Mug Shots - and how the heck do we put them on the Gallery??

Dear Admin! or indeed anyone else who has managed it......

Please share the secret of downloading our beautiful Mug Shots on the Members Gallery!?

Thanking you with a cheesy grin!! :))

Love, Loopy Lou xx


Skipped Beats

Hello everyone!

It's been a while, so I will give you a recap. I had my pacemaker implanted in November for NCS and SSS, since then I have developed IST (inappropriate sinus tachycardia) and have had two SA node modifications. I was told after the last modification that I would have a hard time getting my heart rate above 80, but that sure hasn't been the case.
I am still experiancing episodes of tachy at rest where my heart rate will get up into the 160's. When my rate gets tha...


swollen feet

since having my PM implanted about 5 months ago I have been experiencing swollen feet from time to time which may last up to one week or more. Does this mean my PM settings need to be tweaked a bit more or could it be a more serious problem, thanks for any thoughts on this :)


complete heart block

I had joined this group last year. I don't remember the user name I used. I have been told I had complete heart block since I was 25. I'll be 37 this September. Last year I had an episode and was told by 1 cardiologist I needed a pacemaker then. I got a second opinion and opted not to get it. I had talked with a girl with the same situation who opted to get it and wondered how she was. I don't remember her name.



Haha sorry guys but I am sooo excited that it finally worked !!!So I look different and I have contacts!!! Yesss !!! Ok That is enough hyperness for today !!! E-mail me !!!


Good news for me.

Some of you who I have chatted with here knew I was going in for a prostate biopsy. Got it done last week. Not a very pleasant experience to say the least. My wife tells me you should try everything at least once. Trust me guy's you don't want to try this one. But if the Doc says you have to then you have to. This week I heard from the Doc. NO CANCER!
I didn't think there would be a problem because I felt that would be a very cruel trick to play on me. God, saving me almost 3 years ag...



Hi Everyone.

Haven't posted for ages but please can someone verify for me the concern I have with a pacemaker.

My pacemaker works when my pulse drops below 50 which is if I am sitting in the evening or asleep at night. Other than that my heart's own pacemaker works for me.

My question is does a pacemaker actually weaken your heart muscle over a period of time when it takes over your heart rhythm. I have asked my cardiologist here in France but as usual the answ...


can the leads move?

Hi every one!!! Its me again..jeje. I just have this question. Every time i am in the shower washing my hair i feel like my heart is racing. I dont know if its because i have my arm way up so that i can wash my hair..or if its that i have it stretched too far for too long...but i feel funny and sometimes a little dizzy. Can the leads move if i do this for too long? I have had this pacemaker already for almost 2 years so i didnt think the leads would move out of place. But it is just weird that i...


New website for LVNC patients

Hello everyone!

Looking for more patients that may have been diagnosed with Left Ventricular Non Compaction or Non Compaction Cardiomyopathy. There are 5 of us at this time and we would love to talk to more people and compare notes, etc.

We have a new website to try and pull patients together since there are so few of us. Check it out.......



How does a PM work?

I've still yet to understand how a PM works; the PM tech are not much help.
Can someone give a layman's version of how this thing works?
I went in for Atrial Fib ablation. After the ablation, my heart would not stabilize, sometimes goes very slow, pauses a few seconds then resumes. So, they put in a PM to correct that.
The PM is set at 70; from what I understand, if my heart rate goes to below 70, the PM kicks in. Now, does that mean the PM "takes over"? if so, what happened to th...


Why do people say shoulder.....

I've always wondered why people refer to their Pacer or ICD being implanted in their shoulder...

Unless you have something weird (ie on top of your deltoid...) it's on your chest...

Now, if it's slipped up under your clavical, then I can guess you can say shoulder.....

Just wondering....


Thank You

Today is the first birthday of my little buddy Violet(my PM).I am so thankful that I have her(without her I would not be here today to celebrate).

I know I would not have made the transition from mere mortal to bionic woman without the help of this web site and all of you. I have learned so much and it was a real comfort to know that so many of us share the same healing problems,feelings,pain etc.

Tonight when we go to dinner, we will say a toast for all of you...for a happ...


Magnet placed over Pacemaker??

I will be having surgery soon on my rotator cuff. It is the right side thank goodness....but I am only almost three weeks post op from the PM.
I had my PM implanted very deep in my under my breast. I still can not move my arm above my head for two reasons. Even though the doc says swing it around....I have seen on here all to often to try and get to that 4 week mark before using your arm above your shoulder. Also...I still have to much pain..I am still swollen and bruised. It's getting bett...


sleep apnea

I want to thank all of you that responded to my sleep apnea posting. Most of you asked the symptoms well, snoring, extreme fatigue, waking gasping for air, stop breathing during sleep to mention a few. I would stop breathing an average of 11x an hr for 45sec to 1 min. They can tell you this after the sleep study is completed. I truely believe that the heart disease and sleep apnea are connected. I don't really know which one comes first but at this point it doesn't matter. Thanks again for...


PM has moved....After over a year

I have noticed in the past week that my PM has moved or turned. It was put in June 11,2007. I called my doctors nurse and she said that it isn't unusual for this to happen but to keep an eye on it, just don't touch it. She said she would stop in and see me when I come to have my next stress test.

What could have caused this to hapen now? I haven't done anything unusual. Ths morning before I got up I was lying on my side and felt a bit of uncomfortable pain coming from the PM pocket.



Thanks to all you lovely people who have sent private messages and replied to my last postings - without your on-going support I really don't know who I would cope with being a new pacemaker girl!

Hope to be in chat later tonight gmt!

AND ANOTHER THING ..... the british weather continues to do what it does best.................... rain, rain and did I say... RAIN!!

Hope you are all well and chat soon!

Loopy Lou xx


You know you're wired when...

You have a $50,000 chest.

Member Quotes

Stay positive and remember that your device is your new best friend.