Most Recent Messages in Interferences

Biotech Pacemaker

I recently purchased a Phonak TV Connector to be used with hearing aids.  The user's manual warns that it may generate magnetic fields that would influence pacemakers. Has anyone experienced such interference with pacemakers?  If so, what type of issue might occur?


Is wifi interference possible?

When I am near our combination modem/router I start to experience a pulsing sensation just under my left breast. It is not a steady rhythm. It is just hard enough to be annoying, but not painful. Could the Wifi be causing this? I have experienced it at other times, but it seems to be worse when I am near the modem/router.


PMs and CPAP Machines

I have used a pacemaker for eleven years and a Constant Positive Airway Passage machine for Sleep Apea. I recently received a new machine which used small but powerful magnets to secure the head gear. I occasionally pull the mask off in my sleep and am concerned that these magnets might affect my pm. Any comments? 

G. E. Willey




Air fryer

Shortly after I got my air fryer, my heart rate begin to goup. Next thing I know I am in Afib. Wondering if there is any connection between the air fryer an my pacemaker? Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance. 


Battery opeated device

With a biventricular pacemaker ,the device is working all the time.I am about to buy a battery operated neck massager for a severe neck injury.Some opinion says no to this,other opinion says ok but keep away from the pacemaker by 4-6 inches.( Are manufacturers just covering themselves in case of a problem)?


Electric Guitars

Does anyone know if it is advisable to play electric guitars with a pacemaker? 


baby monitors

Weirdest thing- so when I am next to our baby monitor (it is a cheap walkie talkie type thing) it cuts out but when my hubby is next to it, it works fine! 

Anyone experienced this with monitors? I stay 6 inches away from it but I do have to be close to it so I can hear baby if she starts tossing and turning :-)


stereo systems with large speakers

I have a stereo system with large speakers and want to know if I can still safely play music on it without interference to my pacemaker.


Revivite leg massager

Hi  really appreciate all the information from members  Nice not to feel alone  Just received pacemaker May 5    Question   does  revivite foot leg massager interfere with a pacemaker      I enjoyed the revivite but am hesitant to use it   thanks   Trebla



Hi. I have a dual lead Metronic Pacemaker implanted August 2017 for total heart block. 
I try to stick by all the rules regarding risks with any equipment that could interfere with my pacemaker. However I recently purchased a new electric toothbrush which is apparently electromagnetic. In the enclosed instructions it advises to consult your doctor or manufacturer of the device if you have any questions about a cardiac pacemaker or other implanted devices. Just wondered if any member...


I watch

Can someone with a pacemaker wear an I watch?



Hi.    I have had several pacemaker single lead devices for the past 26yrs and mostly forget I have one nowadays.

However sometimes when i buy new devices with all bells and whistles options i question certain things.

My latest acquisition is an air purifier with the options of uv light to kill bacteria etc.

Are uv lights any worry for interference with pacemaker devices?

It also has an ion facility which i cannot envisage using anyway.

Thanks for any a...


Kardia ecg

I know some folk use Kardia with their Pacemaker. Can anyone tell me if it records ectopic PVC's on the device. I'm blighted by them especially at night!! Just wondered if it is worth getting one as kardia do say it should not be used with a PM!


Macbook Air abd Pacemaker

Just unpacked a new Macbook Air and the notes indicate powerful batteries may interfere with medical devices.  Anyone have experience with this?


Electric toothbrush

Is it true they interfere with the pacemaker? How about a water pick? A dentist's drill?  Yikes!  I just got the pacemaker last week.  Still sore. Muscles sore in arm.  Hopefully this will ease. 


Dyson personal Fans

 I have just bought a Dyson pure air personal fan for my bedroom. When I opened it there was a warning  for people with pacemakers that the fan itself and the remote were magnetic. As I planned to have the remote on my bedside locker and the fan about three or 4 foot away from me I wonder if anyone has any experience of these affecting their pacemaker. I have had my pacemaker now for three years, it is MRI safe and I’ve never had any problems with major surgery or an...


Dyson personal Fans

 I have just bought a Dyson pure air personal fan for my bedroom. When I opened it there was a warning  for people with pacemakers that the fan itself and the remote were magnetic. As I planned to have the remote on my bedside locker and the fan about three or 4 foot away from me I wonder if anyone has any experience of these affecting their pacemaker. I have had my pacemaker now for three years, it is MRI safe and I’ve never had any problems with major surgery or an...


WiFi router and possible interference with PM

Thank you very much for the responses to my inquiry. I understad that one way to find out for sure if the router affected my PM, is to reenact the "crime scene" to see if it can reproduce the scary sensation I felt but honestly, I'm afraid to try it. The other way to find out is to wait for my next visit to my doctor and have my PM interrogated on the events of April 20 at 8:15 PM. The sensation I felt was similar to what I feel when the tech places a magnet on top of...


Wi Fi Router and pacemaker

Today I was setting up a Sonos speaker with the Wi Fi router and using my I pad all at the same time. Then out of a sudden I felt dizzy and my heart beat went racing. I immediately moved away from the router and my discomfort went suddenly away after  15 or 20 minutes.. I sent a pacemaker read out message to my doctor through the Marlin monitor, since my device is made by St. Jude Medical. I was sitting wery close to the router which was close to my chest I wonder if...


Possible interference?

Doe anyone have any knowledge of the Portal device (Facebook technology) and its effect on ICDs? Just received the Portal for making great video calls ( and a fantastic picture display frame) which projects all my photos but in the  Notifications, privacy, etc., which I always read, it's stated that it may interfere with some implanted devices such as pacemakers.. Apparently there is a magnet to the component, which looks just like a picture frame, and it uses Wi-Fi to send and recei...


You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

Member Quotes

I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.