Most Recent Messages in Interferences

Dyson personal Fans

 I have just bought a Dyson pure air personal fan for my bedroom. When I opened it there was a warning  for people with pacemakers that the fan itself and the remote were magnetic. As I planned to have the remote on my bedside locker and the fan about three or 4 foot away from me I wonder if anyone has any experience of these affecting their pacemaker. I have had my pacemaker now for three years, it is MRI safe and I’ve never had any problems with major surgery or an...


Dyson personal Fans

 I have just bought a Dyson pure air personal fan for my bedroom. When I opened it there was a warning  for people with pacemakers that the fan itself and the remote were magnetic. As I planned to have the remote on my bedside locker and the fan about three or 4 foot away from me I wonder if anyone has any experience of these affecting their pacemaker. I have had my pacemaker now for three years, it is MRI safe and I’ve never had any problems with major surgery or an...


WiFi router and possible interference with PM

Thank you very much for the responses to my inquiry. I understad that one way to find out for sure if the router affected my PM, is to reenact the "crime scene" to see if it can reproduce the scary sensation I felt but honestly, I'm afraid to try it. The other way to find out is to wait for my next visit to my doctor and have my PM interrogated on the events of April 20 at 8:15 PM. The sensation I felt was similar to what I feel when the tech places a magnet on top of...


Wi Fi Router and pacemaker

Today I was setting up a Sonos speaker with the Wi Fi router and using my I pad all at the same time. Then out of a sudden I felt dizzy and my heart beat went racing. I immediately moved away from the router and my discomfort went suddenly away after  15 or 20 minutes.. I sent a pacemaker read out message to my doctor through the Marlin monitor, since my device is made by St. Jude Medical. I was sitting wery close to the router which was close to my chest I wonder if...


Possible interference?

Doe anyone have any knowledge of the Portal device (Facebook technology) and its effect on ICDs? Just received the Portal for making great video calls ( and a fantastic picture display frame) which projects all my photos but in the  Notifications, privacy, etc., which I always read, it's stated that it may interfere with some implanted devices such as pacemakers.. Apparently there is a magnet to the component, which looks just like a picture frame, and it uses Wi-Fi to send and recei...


Effects of 5G on Pacemakers

Hi all,   I'm quite concerned about the effects 5G will have on our pacemakers.  If you have read all the conspiracy theories about 5G, they are rolling it out here in Australia and most parts of the world,  while we are all in lockdown, towers are going up all over the place and as the schools are empty they are out putting it in... (this is actually happening, countries like Switzerland, Belgium etc are banning it till they study the health effects) 


Magnetic Tiles

Wondering if anyone has had any interferences with those magnetic tile toys (Eg Connetix, playmags, magnatiles) with their pacemaker? 


Devices that interfere with Pacemakers.

Hi everyone... I’m new here. I just joined the pacemaker club.  I have other questions which I’ll post at a different time. But for now, I have what amounts to a really unimportant question, especially compared to the many serious posts and comments I’ve seen here. Nevertheless, I’ll go ahead and ask my question. Maybe someone will have an answer. 

I’d like to get laser hair removal done. In the past, (pre-pacemaker), I did hav...


Interference with pacemaker/ICD

While I have had my pacemaker/ICD since June, was not until weeks ago that I am now totally dependant on my device.  This of course creates anxiety over its reliability and interferences. 

While I have always been seems now to be a priority as a failure on my device would be catastrophic.

I have read from my manufacturers website all the items that are safe or to use precautions......BUT, I am curious if you can share what items/procedures...


Pacing and pain


I had to get a pacemaker in October 2019. My electrical system was nicked, when a new aortic valve was replaced, which led me to get the pacemaker. 
Every day, I feel the "kick" in the middle of my chest, right between my breasts. It's a very quick, sometimes a little sharp, pain. It is usually one kick, maybe two, hours apart. 
Yesterday, they started more often and a little more sharp. It feels like what I would imagine a baby kicking inside...


Sore shoulder

Can you use Biofreeze on a sore shoulder, if you have pacemaker?


Pacemaker replacement problems

Had my first Medtronic 2-lead pacemaker implanted on my birthday (lucky me) in 2009, and had it replaced the day before Thanksgiving in 2019.  Instead of the old style transmittal device, I was issued the new Medtronic wireless Home Communicator.  I have experienced problems with breathing and sleeping since the new pacemaker was implanted.  Yesterday, I unplugged the thing and have felt better since then.  Tomorrow (Monday) I'll talk with my doctor over the phone to t...


Will a 'powerspin' interfere with my PM? Static electricity.


I am trying to rehab my shoulder from a frozen shoulder and I just bought one of these -


It says on the box - don't use it with any kind of heart condition!

Do you think it will interfere with my pacemaker or are they just covering themselves over the 'exercise' nature of the product, raising the heart rate etc.


It does seem to generate a little bit of static elect...


Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for bone healing

Hi, is low-intensity pulsed ultrasound for bone healing - (left clavicle, near the PM) okay if I have a pacmaker?


Thankyou all!



I have bought a maxkare neck and back massager. It says not to use if you have a pm.

as I only want it for my lower back would it be ok?


Pacemaker-defib icd

question   will gs tracking unit in work truck interfer with Pacer, My company has taken me off the job for fear tracking unit will interfer with my pacer


Virtual Reality (VR) and pacemakers.

Hello PM community! I wanted to ask if i can use a VR headset like the Oculus Quest, (or other) without it doing any harm to me. 

I have no problems with cell-phone VRs.


Pacemaker Shielding Materials

Please help!

I've had a Medtronic Advisa for the past 9 years. For the past few years all has been well. But late last year my PM check-up showed a 30 second pacing inhibition. When it occurred I was staying at a large rented property that my husband runs a classical musical festival at. I've been there twice a year for 5 years with no incident.

PM tech suggested the inhibition was caused by either a faulty shower or ungrounded appliance. But I've checked with the owne...



Pacemaker with MRI compatibility for patients who have bullet in the body is useful or Not?



Recent questions from members about haidressing have tended to be about driers etc. My concern is the clippers. I have to keep even fairly weak magnetic fields , e.g. from loudspeakers i mobile 'phones, away (so must always hold my 'phone to my RIGHT ear, and AC fields, e.g. from induction hobs, or welders are also likely to scramble the programming. I know the motors in hair clippers are very small, but is there any possibly that they could be a problem if they come very close t...


You know you're wired when...

Titanium is your favorite metal.

Member Quotes

As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.