Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Very confused and nervous

I am a very physically active 48 yr old male. I have been diagnosed with a Bradycardia. I have a resting heart rate of 40-45. I have had a slow rate of 50-58 for 25 years. I am only now becoming symptomatic with dizziness, etc. I enjoy running and can get my heart to respond normally when I start running, but it slows to below normal when I stop. Since I only need help with my resting heart rate, are there clubmembers that can recommend the best PM? Rate responsive? Type of sensor? S...


Medical ID bracelet

So my wife thinks I should get a medical bracelet or chain to make any emt's, docs etc of my situation. Does anyone else have them? Where did you get them from? What do they say?



Noony I felt my pacer too

I had a St. Jude 5346 implanted in 2001. About a year later I had the same problem.

You could see my abdomen jumping. A friend told me he kids did not kick that much.

I had a very helpful cardio and after several adjustments he got it stopped. If i understood him correctly he felt the voltage was too high; I was very thin at the time and he felt it was transferring the pulse to my diaphram. (I could be a little off on the explanation - but it worked)

I guess...


Just a quick update...

Hello everyone, still no diagnosis.

Went to pain more pain meds. They questioned whether my body is reacting to the pacemaker itself (good thought, except my EP doesn't buy it). Went to vasc guy--spent not more than 5 minutes with me without even looking at my arm (or even my legs with the bad varicose veins). His "intern" only did a little without even letting me completely tell him what was going on. Total waste of time.

Went on to ortho. Didn't take t...


Feel my pacemaker pacing

I have had my pacemaker 11 months. I had an AV node ablation. My problem is that I am aware of the pacemaker almost constantly. My EP Doc says that I am just overly sensitive. I had much rather not feel it beating. Anyone else with this problem. Mine is ST. JUDE MEDICAL # 5386.


Will a pacemaker help?

I had my mitral valve repaired and also the Maze procedure done in 2002. since then I have had numerous cardioversions and 3 ablations. I am still having Afib and flutter problems. My cardiologist wants to put in a pacemaker and then 2 weeks later do an AV node ablation. I know I will probably need to continue a beta blocker but I would like to know if anyone has experience with this scenario? My hope is the AV node ablation will help control the afib and flutter and I won't need an antiarr...



does anyone know if there is a problem with this?



Just wanted to share this, I talked to a friend of mine last night, former neighbor, and informed her that I had a PM implanted. She related to me that several years ago doctors told her she needed a PM and she refused. She was diagnosed with Bradycardia. She just turned 81 and still has Bradycardia with a normal pulse rate of 44- 50. How long can a person survive with Bradycardia without have a PM??? Just curious. She has lived 15 years without one and in fairly good health. Any comments?...


Sore Shoulder

Hi Pacers

It is winter again, very cold and I have developed my painful left shoulder again. I get a pins and needles feeling down the shoulder blade at times. My Doc says it is osteo arthritis and had it xrayed. I get the results on Monday. I have had this pain on and off since my pm was put in on my left side below collar bone. Anyone else suffer the same prob and how do you cope. It is so painful and affects driving. Keep well folks.


New Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation

We frequently have people asking questions or telling us about about having treatment for artial fibrillation. I thought the following article from the Temple Daily Telegram on 7-16-07 might be interesting to some.


Scott and White surgeons in Temple, TX, Monday were the first to use a new device they helped develop for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is the most common form of heart arrhythmia, affecting more t...



Hello again,
I posted a message last week but thought I'd do it again just in case .. .. .. ..

Just wondering whether any Irish Pacers would be interested in getting together. Please let me know if anyone is interested, there's 3 of us so far (from Dalkey, Donegal and Galway) but there must be more of you out there ........... drop me a line with any thoughts, thanks and look forward to hearing from you ......

Best regards,


Now Need Aortic Vavle Replacement

It had been four months since my PM implant and I had been experiencing chest pains. Had a heart cath done a couple weeks ago to determine the cause. I was told by my cardiologist that my aortic valve (which is bicuspid and should be tricuspid) now needs to be replaced. I am seeking an opinion from the Cleveland Clinic regarding the pending surgery....If all goes well expect to have the valve replaced the end of July or first of August at CCF with surgery done by Dr.Lars Swensson......


Can't Log Out

For some reason I can't log out of the system.Can anyone help me? I've never had this problem before. What am I doing wrong? It bothers me to see my name all the time. Please make me go away.LOL .saragunther


A 2½ pounds pacemaker?!!!

Hi Gellia.

I couldn't help but be shocked at the comment you made regarding your 1st pacemaker, implanted 32 years ago.
It weighed 2½ pounds? Would you mind elaborating? I'm very curious about how it felt, where it was placed, was part of it outside your body? etc.
Mine is a bit larger than the norm, but at about 3" long, and ounces in weight, the next time I have a complaint about how it feels, I'll remember how you must have felt, and feel fortunate about the advances made...


All caps.....

Hi Everyone - Could everyone please not use all caps when posting messages? It is probably my years creeping up on me but I find it more difficult to read a message in caps as opposed to upper and lower case. Even my new glasses did not help! Oh, what the years can do to us. Thanks, friends.


My Aunt

My aunt, who did develop an infection after a PM implant, and who was 99 yrs. of age, did pass away at 1:30 am yesterday morning. Thank you for your concerns and prayers. I will not be able to attend the service as she lived in Minnesota.

Again, thanks to all



More info about my case

Hello everyone...I thought I'd fill everyone in so far on what's been done. At little history first...

Current machine placed in May, 2006 under the muscle after previous one began attempting to leave my body in Dec 2005. That machine replaced another previous machine that began trying to leave my body in July 2005 only a few short months earlier. In both cases, infection was suspected, but could not be found despite extensive blood work (including cultures), x-rays, echocardiogram. I...



What are the chances of developing an infection at the PM site? I have an aunt who is up in her latter nineties that had a pm implant 2 months ago and developed an infection that has her in the hospital undeer hospice care. Any comments?



Any Advice ?

I am almost 5 weeks post PM implant and I expected to feel alot better. I have been having seems like more in the evening episodes of after being up for not that long a feeling in my lower part my throat like someone is choking me sensation. When I go lay down it starts to go away. Has anyone else experienced this? I don't go for my PM check up until July 31st. I'm new to this club, but after reading a lot of stories I get the impression that Dr.'s just seem to not pay much attention to our litt...


Advice please!

So I hope that one of you out can give me some advice and cheer me up a little. Most of you know my story by now. My last surgery was four weeks ago today nothing big just another ablation. So somebody please help me understand why I still feel no good. I still continue to have no energy in a way I think the doctors got my hopes up saying in two weeks your life should be back to normal and you can do anything.
I've been getting dizzy a lot more than I was, having a lot of spasms and its...


You know you're wired when...

You trust technology more than your heart.

Member Quotes

I'm 35 and got my pacemaker a little over a year ago. It definitely is not a burden to me. In fact, I have more energy (which my husband enjoys), can do more things with my kids and have weight because of having the energy.