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Getting a pacemaker reply

Hi Smitty,

Gee, your are on your 10th year with your PM? Have you had to get a new battery put in yet? If so, what all does that entail?
I guess the same as getting one the first time ?

You may get tired of all the questuions I come up with. (:>)
Your words are encouraging, seems like you just zoomed right through this surgery. How long before you could drive again?
I have been grounded for over a month now & I am really getting cabin fever. (:>). Hubby tak...


sudden cardiac death and medications

i now am considered pacemaker dependent after having what was a third degree block incident while I was in the hospital for a C-diff stomach infection caused by taking ciprofloxacn 500 mg for a kidney infection. thank God I was in the hospital because if I had been any where else I would have died forever instead of temporarily.My heart just stopped. I was paced externally for 4.5 hours waiting for an operating room as I had v/tech during that time and they could only keep me alive by doing tha...



Went for my 6 monthly pacing check yesterday . Monthly because I am 100% dependent. No waiting, was seen 5 minutes before appointment time. No problems, and 4 years left on battery after 3 years and 2 months use already. Left the pacing technicians a box of biscuits for their coffee breaks as usual. Even the free bus rides (for over 60s in UK) from chosen parking position near a patient friend I was in hospital with, went without any delays. And the sun was trying to shine through. All in all a...



Hi, I've been a lurker for a while. Actually, over 5 years ago I actually chimed in with a question. If anyone wants the run-down of my situation then, here it is:

As described in that post, I have congenital complete AV block. I've remained asymptomatic my entire life with good ventricular escape rhythm. But now at age 35, I've finally opted to follow-through on Dr. recommendations and recei...


Roller coasters

are we allowed to go on roller coasters?


Why am I not feeling better!

It has been 2 months since my implant and other than the actual fainting part, I have seen no change in my condition. I still have episodes almost weekly and sometimes several times a day where I get dizzy and feel like I am going to pass out. My doctor is telling me that he thinks it is just post tramatic stress from almost dying and having to have emergency surgery to install the pacemaker. I think it is BUNK! This is the same man who told me that the several similar episodes before havin...


My baby has Complete Heart Block

I'm 32 weeks pregnant and we were just told 2 weeks ago after my monthly regular check-up (which ended up to be 6 hours of additional hospital visits) that my baby has complete heart block.
She will require a pacemaker for the rest of her life.

They have already started me with a 4 mg dexamethasone steroid/day to help improve and protect the heart from further damage and monitored the heart rate of my baby weekly. So far the steroid has managed to help increase the heart rate bu...


Out of Practice

Hello friends, it has been a while since I've seen a print-out of my PM interrogation. Usually, the techs erase the info when they do stuff during my surgeries. Today, I came home with my first copy in 2+ years for my Medtronic dual-chamber Enpulse. There was a new tech and she was sweet but not forthcoming with explanations like I remember having in the past. In a five month period, I've had over 58,000 PVC singles, 5,000 PvC runs, and 9 PAC runs. I had 17 ventricular high rate episodes, t...



Hi, I'm electronically challenged (that's ironic, isn't it LOL) and wonder how to get in touch with fellow PM'rs on Facebook.
Would love to chat, keep up with people's progress, etc.


New Pacemaker Yesterday

My 12 y/o son came home today from Children's Hospital, Minneapolis, MN. He had severe abdominal pain May 1st. That was his only symptom. He was in complete heart block. His HR was 20-30. They are saying probably congenital though he's being prophylactically treated with penicillin for 6 months. His ASO titer was elevated w/o symptoms of strep.

Any advice, any encouragement would be great. He has a Medtronic Adapta.

Thank you


Stopping Beta Blockers

Hi Everyone,

I am about (tomorrow) to cut the dosage of beta blockers I have been on since the post-PM tachycardia 5 weeks ago in half (1.25 mg bisoprolol instead of 2.5mg bisoprolol). The aim is get off them completely (I want to have a baby!).

My doctor thinks I won't notice the dosage change because it is such a low dose to start with, but I'm anxious because the lower dose didn't do anything when I initially had the problem. If anyone has any positive stories of reduc...


anyone heard of this??

Hey guys, I just went back to my doc for a check up b/c I been feeling my HR jump around (beat slow and fast and back to slow for 1-3 beats and fast for 10-12 beats) and he checked out the PM, etc, and apparently I'm only pacing 40% of the time. I was pacing 96%+ every other check up. He did an EKG and somehow figured out that my sinus node has not regenerated (from the ablations), but another area of my heart is acting like my sinus node and trying to beat my heart - but then "gets tired" and "...


Your prayers I thank...

  • by bunnykin
  • 2010-05-07 01:05:29

Hi friends, its me bunnykin; Thanks so much for your response to my post. I have been to my EP today with my hubby. I usually don't go with him cos he never really needed to. Today is different as I thought I was going to throw in the towel and ask my EP to please, please just do the ablation (4th one) and give me back my life, my normal active life. Don't get me wrong, I like my EP a lot cos he's not too invasive or interventional. I told him that my life has been so disrupted recently since th...



Hello everyone and thank all of you great people that have replied already! I have just been going crazy not knowing what to expect & after reading some of the complications as I stated, I REALLY was afraid.
So here is the reason I have to have the PM. I was diagnosed in the mid 1980's with VT after having a blackout. Put on medication, I did rather well with some exceptions off & on. To make a LONG story shorter... I had a blackout recently, spent a week in hospital, ALL SORTS of tests d...


FYI = Warning it's long

I have been reading a nymber of posts in which arguments ensue regarding what are arrhythmias and what tests should be perfomed based on symptoms. I have found this info on the American Heart Association site, which or any layperson can understand. Only an ECG/EKG can determine if a person has an arrhythmia. A qualified doctor can read and interpret an ECG as to what is going on with the heart's electrical system.




Hello all. Its been a while since i was here, the itchiness went away, i think its just from the healing..on the 12th will be 2 mo. since i had my lifesaver implantedand Thank The Lord!!! I have been to the lake probably 10 times in 3 weeks, the river 3 times in 2 weeks, and hiking 2x in 2 weeks....i have lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks....get the picture I am feeling great!!!! being that i put on 47lbs since Oct. when my heart really started bothering me....and put me outta commision, losing the 12 l...


Just want to say Hi to my PM Friends

I am feeling particularly happy today and just wanted to pop in and say hi to my pm club friends. Hi! Blake, Tracey, Angelie, Smitty, DanaT, Pookie, Cathryn, PacerGirl,Carolyn, ElectricFrank, Fish, Snitch, CoBradyBunch and the rest of you know who you are.

You guys put a smile on my face.Love you all!!!!



I just learned I am going to have a Pacemaker put in within a month to 6 weeks.
As I was searching for information, I came accross this site. SEEMS VERY GOOD, but after reading some of the problems some people have had, I am afraid. ANY COMMENTS?



  • by bunnykin
  • 2010-05-06 01:05:56

Hi friends,it's been sometime since I've come into the site; I have been very perplexed and depressed ever since my ICD gave therapy of 5 shocks 4 months ago. There seemed to be no end to problems ever since. I've seen my EP more than a dozen times since Jan and I have felt my device behaving in a strange manner since the shocks. I also have begun to have Junctional tachycardia almost every other day and it can go very rapid. I have stopped being my usual active self and life seemed so mundane...


Complications after pacemaker implant

I had a pacemaker installed 4.5 weeks ago and I have been hospitalized ever since with sever dizziness, nausea, headaches, neck pain and loss of apatite. I,m on intraveinous saline, dextrose and medication for nausea and restless leg syndrome. I was told by two of my nurses that my problem is a reaction to my pacemaker. My doctors have not informed me that my condition may be related to my pacemaker. Has anyone had ths type of reaction and what did they have to do to correct it?



You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.