Most Recent Messages

Finally feel like I am back

Went out for a real mt. bike ride today for the first time since implant and finally feel like I am back. Hit 105% of my theoretical max on a nasty, long climb and rode hard and even if it was only an hour ride it felt GOOD. First time breaking my theoretical max since surgery and now I feel like I can finally get myself back to the person I used to be. The damn little metal thing in my chest is not going to rule my life and I plan on getting back to the athlete I once was.


security system shocks?

Hi folks, I havent been around for a while-just too exausted from daily life.I have had something happen though that I would like to bring before the club.
--I had gone to a local Walmart to get printer ink. It is sold encased in a plastic box and you take the whole thing to the cashier.well I chose mine put in in my shopping cart(which I always use because my purse is so heavy) and as I walked through the store to get to the registers --I began to feel electric shocks! not like you get f...


Good morning!

Wow do I feel lost!!! I was surfing around the different forums and saw a fagillion names I've never seen before!!!!! I appreciate everyone asking how I've been; I'm fine (and hopped up on coffee, of course!!!) and am the section leader of the clarinets @ school!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart still aches for Camp Odayin!!!!! And yes, that pun WAS intended! I you want to, go to and check out all the pics from the summer. If you have any specific questions about camp, ask me because there...


Missing a Beat!

Thursday night my PCP prescribed Lopressor for my BP. I took a half of one that night and took half Friday morning as directed. After getting to work on Friday, I started getting weak, and told my boss I was going to the ER. I came to find out that the Lopressor (Metoprolol Tartate) was causing my heart to drop a beat. They said it looked like it was not letting the signal get to the bottom for some reason. Needless to say, I ended up staying the night and came home today. I have a new HP...


What sports can I do?

I just had a ICD placed on me 4 weeks ago, what can I do, and what I can't do. Will I be able to run again, do cardio exercises?


Need Help

Freaking out a little bit. Have a call into the dr but I thought I would try here while I was waiting for a call back. Basically before my pm was implanted last week, my symptoms were 4-5 second heart block that I would feel then a rapid heart beat on its way back. I am feeling "something" happening today. Today is the 1st time but it has me so rattled I am becoming unraveled. I think I am feeling the 4-5 seconds again but I am not 100% sure. I am feeling something...maybe palpitations but I tho...


reveal cardiac loop monitor

Just got mine implanted today...asked the Dr to "hide" it and it's under my breast...all I can say is "ouch". It's ok as long as I don't move, or move, or laugh. I'm hoping that it gets better soon, and that this all works out. But seriously, I think you should see the discharge paperwork prior to signing consent forms. Like "no showering for 5 days" WHAT? they could totally have warned me about that. And perscriptions for antibiotics, can't they give you those before so that you could actually...


I'm back

So I've returned from my pacemaker Party, I mean implant. It's pretty bad when all the cardiac lab staff know you, but makes for a grand affair. The guy who came to get me walked in my little room where I was sitting, stood open-armed and said, "come here!" I gave him a hug. He was there for my first pacer implant. I thought it so fitting that he was going to be there for my 2nd.
We laughed as my cocktail waiter (AKA anesthesia guy)made cartoon voices which only added to my Chipmunk and Ba...


medic alert

Hi everyone. Monday will mark the 3rd week with my ICD - although I have to go in next Friday to have one of the leads re-placed. I'm looking into getting either a necklace or bracelet that displays my information. I pose two questions:
1) Is it necessary to go through a company like Medic Alert or is it the same to have a personalized piece of jewelry engraved with the information?
2) What sort of info should be on the tag? I'm thinking: ICD implant, mitral valve implant, takes...


Moving and Goodbyes...

Hi all...I am so happy and excited i will be moving to florida next week. I am trying to find a good cardiologist. I went to see my cardiologist today for the last time. It was sooo sad. Its crazy how used to hospitals I have gotten. I mean, every one in that clinic knows me and every time i go, they are so nice and friendly. Today they were all in the room with me. Saying goodbye and was sad. I have known these people for about 4 years> the doctors and staff have all been so great. I...


Trouble with incision

I have had my pacemaker for 10 weeks and feel better each day. However, my incision is still quite red and raised. It is not infected but it seems like the nerve endings are very sensitive and so it is uncomfortable to touch it or wear certain fabrics on it and I still cannot put a seatbelt over it. I wondered if anyone else has had this experience and if you have an suggestions for treating it.


Thank you Valerie!


Thanks a lot and that would help a lot. We'll do that. God Bless you!



"Idiopathic" is an adjective used primarily in medicine meaning arising spontaneously or from an obscure or unknown cause.

I've decided to coin a new term "Idiodiagnostic" to mean a diagnosis guessed at spontaneously or from obscure or unknown information.

How about it?




Hello All,
Just got my PM May 2009, recenty been having what feels like little shock episodes, read some previous posts and sounds like it may be set to high or a lead problem.

So where do I start? I am going to contact Dr on Monday, should I request an xray so they can check the leads?

The first night they put in a external PM and went through my jugular (with the leads) - the next day they did the internal PM and the Dr did have a hard time with one of the leads (...


Reddness above incision

It's been 5 weeks since my pm implant, and yesterday I woke up with a red patch above the incision. I saw the pacemaker nurse who didn't like the look of it and then was sent to see the surgeon who said that he was not convinced that it was an infection but said that giving me oral antibiotics would not help and that they would just have to see me on a weekly basis to montitor the situation, however if the incision opens or begins to puss then to call right away and they will have to remove the...



I am on my second pacemaker, have had this one for five years with little problem. Recently have been admitted into hospital twice with chest pain and fainting. pacemaker was checked and was working fine, My arteries are normal and at the time nothing was found to explain the problem
My pacemaker was set to take egm's and the following month it showed that i had had a ventricle fast rythm that lasted for up to12 beats.
Is this something to worry about?


Feeling completely drained & weak

Had pacemaker implanted about 2 months ago because of low heart rate, which lowered blood pressure & caused blackouts. Immediately after implant, doc started me on Midodrine. On 1 month check-up, BP was slightly elevated. Do then lowered dosage of Midodrine & started me on Amlodipine & Metoprolol. Now I feel drained, weak, nausaus, break out in cold sweats....basically just plain crummy. Any suggestion. Going to doc on Tuesday & hopefully he will change or reduce some of the meds.


A.M.S. episodes

Hi everyone,
Went for pacer check-up a few days ago, still pacing 99% ventrically, atrial rate up from 2.6% to nearly 4%. Tecnician said everything o.k., but I am a bit concerned. Had 7 A.M.S episodes when heart rate went to 150 0dd bpm on 6 occasions, and 256 bpm on one accasion! These only last approx 6 secs, one lasted 8 secs. I know that the A.M.S disconnects the ventricle from the atria when this happens and paces it at about 85 bpm until the heart rate comes down again . What I want...


check up yesterday

hi everyone well hubby went for his pm cheak yesterday ,i have just afew questions if any one can help ,first of all he has had his pm for 12 months i thought the battrey was to last 8 to 10 yrs well they said hubbys got 7 yrs left on it seems to have gone down quick in 12 months is this because of the amount his heart is using it ?or is this normal usage also tecnition pick up he has had episodes of pulpitations ,could this have caused the cheast pain and breathless he gets somtimes thanx for a...


lead problems

I had my pacemaker implanted Oct.23,2008 and ended up in the ER Nov. 2 with severe chest pains. I was put ICU and had to have a lead reattached the next day. At my checkup Aug. 11 this year, my doc sends me for chest x-ray because my #'s were not the same as the 3 month check-up, plus I didn't feel well. Both of my leads had to replaced on Aug.24, seems my PM had slipped. Now, my 3 week check-up, he says my #'s still off, but manageable if all stays same.Have had 3 surgeries in 10 month. Help: H...


You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

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