Most Recent Messages

No meds so far...

I have not needed to be on meds, and I got my PM just minutes after birth! Being on meds seems very strange to me... but I guess it all depends on the kind of situation you're in...


be nice

i thought that i would say a few words to you guys. parents and kids need to spend more time together because some kids that i know say that they don't spend enough time together. i want parents to think that we are special and we need special care of us. my parents don't think about how gifted i am but i make them realize that i'm worth something. i love them but they act like jerks sometimes. but they love me and i love them and that is all that matters.


Snow shovelling...

You guys who live in the sunny south will without a doubt never have to worry about the answer to this question - but; we here in the great country of Canada definitely do. How many people with pm's shovel, and how do you feel after?

Keep smiling all & Merry Christmas....


New type of ICD with no wires

I was just wondering if anyone had heard of this.
While at my last visit to my Cardiologist I asked him about new technologies on the horizon for ICD's. He told me that in a few years ICD's won't even have leads anymore. They are apparently coming out with a technology where they somehow screw or attach a bullet shaped device (that's how he described it) into the heart and it communicates wirelessly with the box in your chest. This supposedly will eliminate any problems with broken...



I am a league and county vets palyer. I had the PM fitted Wednesday this week. Doctor says that after three weeks I should be ok to play. Is this true? Will I be able to play in the same fashion without interferaing with the PM?




during my phone check, everytime when I put the donut against my pacemaker,put the phone down and count to thirty, the my chest starts to thump and it feels like my pacemaker is coming through my chect. it is very annoying I can hardly keep the donut on the pacemaker while it is thumping


Marisab... A SHINING STAR!

Marisab..... You are still a shining star.... You always will be to me. I can see that you have quite a lot to deal with here. Stand tall, be proud and know I am backing you up. I value your opinions and I too seek to understand. I know the situation has come to where people are saying you are judgmental but I don't believe that for one minute! I realize that many young children have pacemakers for many different reasons. I also realize that there are different techniques as there are pacemak...



anyone up for a chat tonight




To admin,
I am a tad bit concerned about one of the pacer person [username removed by admin]. NO OFFENSE OR ANYTHING. I am 14 iIve had 8 surgeries not only do 2 pacers but lead replacements to (due to the fact that kids grow, therfore, their leads cannot work properly). Now [username removed by admin] has said she has gone through 1 surgery. And has had a pacer since she was less than 24hrs. old, the math is adding up to me. I am not the only kid concerned or thing she is a tad bi weird,...


Hard Heartbeat

I have had my two lead pm since Feb. 2007. I have such a hard heartbeat especially at night when I am quiet that it maddening. I just had a pacer check and they said everything was fine, I am 100% dependent as I had an av node ablation because of atrial fibrillation with severe palpitations. When I asked them to adjust the rate before it was beating so hard I had to go back the same day and have it put back. I can feel my heart beatng everywhere. My fingers chest stomach ears. It is hard...



hey ChristMMPace would u like to chat? I have a few things I would like to ask you! Thanks


Merry Christmas to all

Merry Christmas everyone. I'm back from my walk about, have been to China and Asia for work. Not a problem to be had. I thought I would just take a moment to wish all of us who have been given the gift of time a Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a wonderful new year.

Something, I learned while on the walkabout is that we few are very, very fortunate people. There was a time just before I went off, that I had thought that many of the folks here, were simply here becuase they had...



  • by bob
  • 2007-12-20 01:12:41
  • ICDs

i am four weeks post-implant; was a consistent exerciser before, in otherwise good health. my doctor can't give any helpful guidance on limits of what/how vigrorous upper body workouts might cause problems with the implant and its placement. i'd like to return to pushups, pullups, exercises involving overhead pulleys, and so on. but i don't want to do anything that might cause the implant to shift or be damaged or pull the leads. (obviosly i know to avoid direct impact to the site itself). do an...



Well I finally got back on here after a few days of trying. I had to reregister. So for those who know me my old member name was OIMAPRINCESS247 so i just added another 7. Well Things are going well. I go for my 2 week check up. I am a little nervous. I have it in my head that I did something wrong and i am going to have to go back for more surgery. Everyone keeps telling me things are going to be ok so I am hoping. Things are getting harder because the pain has gone away and I am wanting to use...


Get ICD to stop making noises

If anyone has the ICD making noises, you should go back to the hospital and have the ICD checked.Probably, need a new battery.I myself had one a year ago.When it made a few noises, i was concerned.I contacted the hospital,in London and they asked me to go back to the hopital.They then gave me a date to put in a new ICD.

You have nothing to worry about.

Best wishes
Lionel Aloe (ARVC - ICD since 2002)



any one up for a brief chat tonight. i'll be in the chat room :)


2 Week Check-Up

I just got my 2 week check-up and everything seems to be going allright per the doc. I am still catching myself trying to lift my arm over my head, it is so hard. The incision site is still very sore wearing shirts or anything else, it seems like it constantly rubs. Has anyone else had issues with regular golf shirts or anything of that nature. I have been wearing a lot of button downs that are soft instead. My rate is still kicking at a smooth 60 paces, but I am still having trouble sleepi...



hi many thanks to all of you who replyed to my concerns on general anaesthetic. im happy to say that the op went well and i had no problems with the pacemaker during or after the anaesthetic.
im due to have acupuncture in two weeks at my local doctors for neck pain and wondered if any of you have had any acupuncture and if so how did you get on.
merry christmas and a healthy new year to all of you.


Santa' s gift

Hi my dear friends,
I posted last week and need words of encouragement. Thank you for all of your thoughts.

Santa is bringing me a brand new pacemaker on Thursday, December 27. Just think...some people just get coal! I must have been a very good girl!

All joking aside, my surgery will be the first of the morning. I go in the hospital at 6. There will be a room reserved for me overnight just incase my leads need replaced. This set has been in there for 13 years. I...



LONG TERM PACING!?!?!?!?!?!? I have had mine since before I was 24 hours old and I am now 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You know you're wired when...

Your heart beats like a teenager in love.

Member Quotes

I can bike a 40-50 tour with no trouble.