Most Recent Messages

Low pulse

I had a new pacemaker in November 2022. My nightime resting pulse (rhrough my ear) is 39, although pacemaker is set to 60. With my old pacemaker the same pulse was a rock-steady 60. I feel fine. Should I  be concerned?


magnetic scanners

I pace 100% of the time.  Is it safe for me to walk through a magnetic scanner at a sports event?  Ii've noticed many PVCs since I did it the first time and since (about a month).

Will my at home monitor pick this up?


Knowledge is key

I like to keep myself knowledgeable about things when it comes to health... and I don't know anyone personally who has had heart attack symptoms.. or a heart attack at all. Thank goodness... 

so I read up on this.. what are some symptoms if any pacemaker recipients have experienced? 




Dental Work

Is it necessary to take 2 grams of antibiotics before a visit to the dentist for a dental bridge? Pacemaker biotronik Enitra 6 DT implanted 7 weeks ago. Thanks.



Interference from vacuuming floors or leaf blower with cords

I am new to my pacemaker and I need to do some housework and back yard leaf blowing.  Will the vibrations interfere with my new pacemaker?

Thank you!


from Jodi

I signed up a few  days ago and yesterday and today I was unable to login in. I emailed the help center email.  in the interim I  started a new log in so I can still interact with the club.

I am scheduled for thurs or fri for a PM and am nervous.  I am a woman with large soft breasts (not overweight) and now concerned about the leads healing with the breast movements.

I am 65yo

I think I will sleep on my couch and not a bed I am nervous to have too much m...


Bpm going under 60 update

Rather than tack onto my other thread, I am starting a new one. This regards my heart bpm going to 58, 57 and 55 briefly in the ER. My cardiac nurse consulted with my cardiologist and called me back this morning.

She said, "there's no need to be concerned about your heart rate going below 60 when you were in the ER as long as it's not sustained that's normal for your pacer not to do anything. "

She said she rechecked my last pacemaker report and a...


Confused and working a plan

I had a 30 day post op appointment wth my EP -  I wat to shout him out!  

I had a bypass in 2007 and have seen many heart doctors and general practicioners.

My current one was said to be very well liked but tends to run behind.

My Pacemaker imp,ant was scheduked for 2:00 and happened at 5:30.

At this follow appointment the nurse came in thw waiting romm to announe "the doc doctor is running 3 hours behind"

I galnced around the room (hoping som...


choosing a pacemaker

Looks like my lengthly first post didnt get posted.

I just joined the apacemakerclub.

I need to make a decision tomorrow asap for a PM. I was in ER thurs after a Cardio visit. my PR was 36,  I knew it was 38 since spring or more and put it off.   on friday I was getting a PM, I had questions and wasnt able to ask them to the dr. until I was on the gurney at pre op. At first the PM rep came in and I asked questions, when I found out about getting a BlueSync. &nb...


Replacing RVL CTR-P

Hello Everyone

I am a 46 year old female. I had a Complete Heart Block in August, shortly after a significant medical event which occurred three weeks prior. I hemorrhaged after a routine hemmerhoid surgery and required several blood transfusions. It is not know whether there is any relationship between the two events. 

It has been determined that my RVL is working too hard and is draining the battery life of the pacemaker. It is thought that this is because...


Lead Replacement - Tricuspid Regurgitation

My old Paemaker and leads were removed and two new leads installed 2/6/24. During lead removal, the lead broke and they had difficulty getting it out. During the process,  the Tricuspid valve was damaged and I am experiencing extreme fatigue and dizziness. They wanted  me on lasix, but my blood pressure is low and I don't want to risk of it going even lower. I want to seek immediate repair and meeting with cardiologist tomorrow. Does anyone have a recpmmendation as to the m...



Hi everybody,

I had my 3rd pacemaker installed in Nov. of 2022. They were going to replace the 20 year old wires at the same time. One is causing interference. But the last minute they decided not to to, I think mainly because of the complications it could cause (bleeding?) and my age of 87 back then.

Immediately after that, my pulse at home was sometimes normal, but often between 38-48! Still going on 15 months later. The nurse at my Electrophysiologist's...


Exercise following a shock

  • by Wings
  • 2024-02-11 06:57:35
  • ICDs

Hi All

Sorry for this long message but I need to give some background before asking some questions (if you dont mind)

I had a Medtronic ICD fitted about 2 and a half months ago (dual, pacemaker and defib) following a cardiac incident while out jogging that eventually led to me being shocked in hospital to get my heart rhythm back on track.

Turned out I had Arrthymgenic cardiomyopathy that had finally reached a point of "no return" (was told most likely ju...


to ski or not to ski

I woud like some opinions undestanding there is probably no right or wrong answer.

My husband grew up skiing.  I did not. At 30 years old I started skiing on an anuual ski trip with my husband, friends, and our four daughters that came along over the years.  I was a decent skiier, not great.

We did this for about 20 years then stopped when schedules for children did not allow the family trip. 

I have not skiied in 14 years. 

We are pl...



My pacemaker has been in for one year and just had my one year checkup with the doctor.  He said I went into A-Fib around December and suggests that I have Ablation.

Has anyone had to have ablation for A-Fib?   Last May I had a TVAR.  How long is recovery for ablation?   If anyone has had ablation, does it really make a difference in heart palpatations?  


Documentation of Medtronic ERI program changes

I was advised that Medtronic has changed the new devices so that they do not revert to 100% Ventricular pacing "only" (VVI) before replacement is permitted by  insurance. However, I have not been able to locate documentation that directly reflects this in a clear and concise statement. Although. I did find the following information that I believe pretty clearly documents it. I hope that someone smarter than me can help and comment on this. It is obviously ve...


Missing beats, early morning.

I am starting this new thread because I didn't want to hijack Lavender's thread below. However, Gemita's response to Lavender touches on a subject that I have woken up worrying about - a coincidence!

Just recently, I have noticed that when laying half awake in bed in the morning, I can hear my heart beating - a shushing sound in my ears. I am not worried about this, but the rhythm I am hearing is unsettling.

After about 10 or 15 beats there is a definite pause before t...


Heart going below lower bpm setting

Unfortunately, I spent about four hours in the emergency department today in the wee hours. I have been coughing for three days with a lot of mucus, and a runny nose. I had awakened at 2:30 AM with a super tight, burning throat and felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen.😵‍💫 My pulse oximeter read 90 and my normally low bp was rising. I went to the hospital emergency room thinking maybe I had pneumonia. 

Two chest xrays and tests for flu and covid were normal....


Easy replacement

Hi y'all, replacement surgery #1 was yesterday, Feb. 8th and it was easy breezy - just like you said it would be.  So thankfull for your knowledge and guidance.  I won't be kayaking for 6 weeks :0).

I now have an Azure XT DR MRI. 

It is in the original pocket - so no pain from that.  Plus have not had any on the incision and am following all my doctor's requirements to ensure it all stays good and healing as it should. The app is loaded and fun...


Ejection fraction not on quarterly report

I see other posters to this forum talking about ejection fraction all the time.  But I don't see any mention of it in the latest report from my PM monitor, and I don't believe the cardiologists' office has ever mentioned it when I've been in there for a PM check.  Is there a hidden code for EF on a St. Jude monitor report, that I just don't recognize what it is?


You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

Member Quotes

My muscles are very sore but each day it gets better and my range of movement is improving.