Most Recent Messages

Left arm arthritis?

So for the past week or so I was experiencing on and off pain in my left arm. From wrist pain, to finger joint pain, palm, forearm, elbow, shoulder.. no numbness, no chest pain, nothing else but these short moments of what I thought was nerve pain.. and all these areas didn't all hurt at once.. it was literally one part hurt then it went away.. if I used my left arm then the pain occurred in my forearm for an example.. pain was never extreme nor did it last long maybe a few seconds or min...


tomorrow is surgery day!

Hi all, thank you for your encouragement while I have been navigating the last 12 days of ERI.  

Before the mode switch, I was going to Iyengar yoga 4 times a week, walking 2-3 miles 2 times a week, kayaking, biking and painting. I am active and so ready to be back at everything I love to do. 

How long do you think recovery will be for me?  Only the PM is being replaced, leads stay in - yeah!

- Will I be able to go kayaking on Feb. 23rd?

- Will I be able...



Is anyone here a knitter? If so, do you manage to knit in comfort or do you experience pain at PM site? I've had my PM now for 5 months and still finding this activity a strain. Any ideas welcome.


Unexpected Medical Emergency

My simple update and pacer scan for any issues turned into a full-blown Emergency Room (ER) all-day real-world crisis.  I don’t have a heartbeat and my heart pacer beats my heart for me at 60 BPM at the lowest setting.  The tech wired me up and was running a full diagnostic test of my pacer.  I warned her not to go below 40 bpm as I didn’t have a heartbeat.  Well, the tech went below 40 BPM and my heart stopped and I slumped over just like 3 years ago during ca...


Dead Battery

Hi I have had an IED since 2005 first one was  Boston Scietific That was recalled over a month after it was implanted. Four years later I had it removed and a Medtronic device installed shortly after that my fidelis lead was recalled. In 2019 I was told that my battery was nearing end of life and the device would need to be replaced. I thought long and hard in the 14 years I had a device it never had to deliver therapy not once zero. Along came COVID 19 and I postponed having the de...


Occasional small pain in chest at device location

I get a tinge of pain on left side of my chest by device location. It happens about once an hour, at times there are a couple of tinges. Tinge-=small pain. Is that common or something to be concerned about? I have had my pacemaker since November 2023.


Am I topping out?

Pm was placecd on 1/10/2023. Today is the first day i have really pushed it ..

I played a racquet sport (pickleball) for 2 hours or so.

I would get winded at times (never did pre-op) and noticed my heart rate was maxing at around 100.... looking  at my garmin i was max 120. 

Can the pacemaker limit my max?  Is there an adjustment?

Seems like as I move and create blood/oxygen demand im not getting enough?

The device is a Medtronic Cobalt <...


It seems I am not bone idle but genuinely in need of some rate response

Thank you all for your helpful contributions and support to my recent post.  I thought I would do a new post. 

I have just received the following message from my pacing clinic.  Here is their response, early Monday morning.  It seems I do need Rate Response turned on and left on. 

I am having difficulties getting the graph posted, so I will try to post it to the gallery where you can view if you wish.  Update:  finally manage...


Help With Medtronic Care Link App

Going carzy over here....

I got a new Iphone... when it pulled in my Carelink App my old device from 2019 is in it.

I uninstalled the app and reinstalled (twice so far) but the old device is stil therer and not my new one.

When you install it asks for the SN which I have (luckily) but still no luck.


Any advice? 


travel insurance

I am 79 year old male with a PM just fitted in six weeks ago. I plan to travel to Europe for a period of six weeks. I am looking for travel and illness insurance that is affordable for my wife, 77 year old, and myself. Any advice which is the most reliable insurance company for this? We live in Israel and will travel from Israel to Europe to be with family. 



I have a mild cold with PM IMPLANTED SIX WEEKS AGO. Advice on how to deal with it? 


Can’t believe I feel so awful

Hey there, so I'm 5 days from surgery to replace my 12 year old battery. It's been 7 days since my pacemaker switched to ERI. Nurse  said I would have shortness of breath and won't feel good. I wish I had had better information about what that really meant. I am learning how to cope with the following:

weakness and getting easily fatigued from walking around the house, taking care of my cat and self, eating and showering. 

SOB and dizziness are constant...


Police officer UK


I am a police officer and collapsed at work last month, found to be in third degree heart block - age 31 with my heart going at 21! I was given an emergency pacemaker two days later. I have already done several years frontline. My cardiologist states that contact sports and martial arts type contact with a pacemaker is not recommended and also states that nights are not good for overall health. Obviously this pacemaker is working as a constant thing. 



Am I just bone idle?

How is Chronotropic Incompetence diagnosed or do they turn Rate Response  on in the absence of a confirmed diagnosis to try to improve exercise capacity?

I had another device check yesterday and was told that I had flat histograms for the third time, with my heart rate stuck at 70 bpm (which is also my base rate).  I found that hard to believe because I walk a lot and really push going uphill.  Surely I get my heart rate above 70 bpm?  I also do some vigorous exercis...



Hi, is there an age limit on a pacemaker patient? Like how old is to old to get one? I appreciate your opinions and replys. thank you


Settings for Boston Scientific .. Cross country skiing

Are there any cross country skiers out there with a BS pace maker ?   We are having a hard time coming up with some Accel, MV settings that work . ( I had a race last week and spent 35 min at a Heart rate of 170 , had to come to a total stop to slow the heart rate down !!! )  HELP !!!


Communicating with Stressed People

Hi Everyone, 

This thread is asking for your opinions about the best way to communicate with people who have been trusting enough to express their concerns either on a forum or in real life, and who feel so overwhelmed and stressed that they may become stuck in a cycle of venting (to offload) perhaps because they cannot easily resolve their problems.

At what point do you think it is helpful to break the cycle of venting / offloading and enter into dialogue which may...


Pacemaker Settings

I am a Cycle Guide and I had a Biotronic Evity 8 DRT Pacemaker fitted on October 23rd. I am now training hard on the bike for the 2024 season and I am struggling, probably inevitably, with my fitness. I used to race at a top amateur level. My surgeon has set my Pacemaker to 45-130 and I was wondering if the upper level is inhibiting my progress. As a Cycle Coach, I record and monitor all my stats and I have done nearly 50 rides since the operation with my average Heart Rate being around...


Pocket hematoma

Had a pacemaker and defibrillator put in a week ago Monday and now have a computer mouse sized bulge in the site of the implant; seems to be getting slightly larger Called Dr office but little information   Anyone had this problem?? And what happened???


Roll Call ! Where is everyone from?

I am in Virginia


You know you're wired when...

You have a dymo-powered bike.

Member Quotes

Your heart’s electrical system has a manmade helper. A helper that only knows to do what it is programmed to do and will perform that function day in and day out, without fail. Now, go enjoy your new grip on life.

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