Most Recent Messages

Getting a PM/Defib installed Thurs 1/14/10

Hi all, Just found this site. Getting wired up this coming week. I'm Hoping this will give Me some of My energy back. I've got CHF. Any advice or pitfalls I should watch out for? My device will be from Guidant. Thanks.



I saw your shout about chat. It's really hit or miss and can be hard to find someone in chat. Best thing to do is post here when you are headed in and see if someone will join you, or set a time in advance and post about it. For a while a bunch of us chatted at lunch time (EST) every day, but we got out of the habit.


Billie & Brian From Australia?

Has anyone heard from Billie and/or Brian since Brian's operation on Nov. 20 and Billie's "message" on Nov. 29th saying Brian was doing better after his operation?

Our prayers are with them, but I was wondering if any of the PM Club members have heard from them. Billie used to be on the PM Club "Messages/Comments" all the time last year.

God Bless to All ~ ~



Well, my titanium buddy and I went skiing for the first time yesterday. We had a blast! It is so great to feel good and be able to live life to its fullest. For all of you newbies out there wondering if life ever gets does! Hang in there!

I have lived in snow most of my life and never tried skiing before. I think I just found my winter sport!

Peace & love,


Pookie's Junctional Rhythm

Hi everyone.

My gawd my life is complicated sometimes.

Last week I wrote a post saying how difficult it is for me to get in to see my EP after he made some adjustments to my pacemaker on December 14 (because he did diagnosed me with Junctional Rhythm in September ).

I was never seen by an EP until September of this year, while I received my pacemaker back in November of 2004. 5 years it took me to get to see an EP. And, Yes, it took from September to December...


Just had a clinic visit...

and had a huge breakthrough with my recurrent arrythmia post-PM!

Long story made extremely short, failed ablation led to PM in March due to AV node getting damaged. 100% paced ventricular, 60% atrial. Recurrent Sinus Tachycardia post PM implant.

I am going to get some of this terminology wrong, but my Sinus Tachycardia was popping up throughout the day (130 bpm), but I didn't feel it until I got home from work etc etc and my body started to relax. Then the episodes becam...



Question for the guys out there. Has anyone out there in pacerland been warned about the consumption of ED drugs. This is whether these are used just when needed by choice or taking on a daily basis as with some of the meds.

No heart issues here other than "electrical" issues that caused me to have to get a dual-chamber pacer.

Hey I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t really want to know if this is an issue or not. For some reason every time I ask the guys with Me...


Feeling a little better

Hi, I am now feeling more like myself again.... What an ordeal. I hate being sick. I am still waiting on one last test to come back to tell me why I was so sick. I have been left feeling very tired and I have lost almost 9 pounds now. I just need to be patient and strong.
My sense of humor has returned, much to my hubby's dismay he he.... Anyway I just wanted to share with you all that I am almost back 100%. Some of you worry and I appreciate that, but I am much better.
Thank you to...



hi everyone i am 2 months in with my new pm for pausing heart never new i had it till i went to er an was told i had double pnemonia i have to admitt my doc was great but you really need someone with you at your fist check up to listen for you cause i was so overwelmed with all what has happened i just dont focus on listening although there is a lot of things docs dont really tell you to expect for instead ive had these little panic attacks i feel pulling sometimes inthe area sometimes a stingi...


had pacemaker defib less than 90 days

after kidney stone operation 2 meds caused massive heart attack and death revived and one stint 3 strokes next 30 days all in 2007. 2008 brought blackouts and seizures and 20 hospital stays, chemically coated stint became 65% blocked with scar tissue and seizures on cath table stopped repairs. 2009 brought more blackouts and seizures finally given amiodorne and controlled them long enough to get new stints 3 of them oct.2009 then nov.2009 pacemaker/defib. Questions: since implant much pain at...


Overseas Travel

Hi All,

I had my pacemaker fitted almost 7 weeks ago. Before this I had been planning a trip to Vietnam 2010 - Nothing booked so far... Being new to all of this I am a little apprehensive about travelling abroad and passing through airport security, not only due to the magnetic metal detectors, but the airport security staff handling the situation in the correct manner (language barrier difficulties).

I have searched this site already, but not found anything specific to wh...


Pacemaker and Angina

Hi, I haven't been on for a while and wish everyone a very healthy new Year. I have a question, has anyone experienced having a pacemaker and then having Angina. My pacemaker works very well and I exercise , walk the dog a mile daily, watch my diet etc but have bouts of Angina treated with Nitro and Calcium Channel blockers. Would appreciate a reply from anyone with similar symptoms.
Thanks Muff.


Ablation time

Well, I have had an eventful last two weeks. I have been to the ER twice due to passing out at work for a-fib and passed out again two days after last ER visit. Saw my doctor yesterday, and he has scheduled me for my first ablation procedure on the 18th. I am a bit nervous due to the fact that my heart didn't react normally during the EP study, but I am a little hopeful. God knows something needs to change, I can't keep living like this passing out multiple times a week.


Pacer replacement

Well, its final. I have a voice mail from the cardiologist office that he wants to replace the pacer next Thurs. That's the day he does checkups and has the Medtronics tech in town. I'm glad he is doing it now. It is getting close on batteries and it affects plans for being out of town. I don't intend to have anything other than a local anesthesia so its no big deal. I was looking at some of my notes from when I had the original put in and I went for a 1/2 mile walk when I got home from the hosp...


Juvenile Diabetic with active lifestlye

I’m 28 years old and have a VERY active lifestyle. I am also a Juvenile Diabetic (26yrs) and have an insulin pump. I have been diagnosed with sick sinus syndrome and have bradycardia mostly at night when I sleep. My cardiologist recommends that I get a pacemaker. I am pretty much ok with the idea. I already have the pump so I’m not really phased by having another electronic device hooked to me. I came on this site when I first found out that I needed a PM and was relived to see so many ac...


Medical ID Bracelet

Hi all :) Well I thought I would just share that I got my new Medical ID Bracelet today
and I love it....I don't know if I can say where I got it....but um maybe you would like to check
I got a nice white fiber optic bracelet..and it looks very nice.
it has a small charm "hope" that comes with it..then I added a small cross...very nice .... they have all kinds for women and men and kds:)
Take a look :)


Medical ID Bracelet

Hi all :) Well I thought I would just share that I got my new Medical ID Bracelet today
and I love it....I don't know if I can say where I got it....but um maybe you would like to check
I got a nice white fiber optic bracelet..and it looks very nice.
it has a small charm "hope" that comes with it..then I added a small cross...very nice .... they have all kinds for women and men and kds:)
Take a look :)



Hello pacemaker friends! Sorry I haven't been around in such a long time. I hope this new year is finding everyone in good health!

As many of you know, I have been battling with this crazy heart of mine for well over 2 years now. I was hoping that things would settle down after having open heart surgery this summer, but it seems that things have only gotten more complicated. I have been hospitalized a few times with fluid on my heart, and after a visit with my surgeon this week, I wi...


Electric Frank please advise

I noted that you had answered someone talking about PVC is that the same as ectopic. I know I panic and believe me I took all your advice and I do think my pacer is OK now. It is just when I get these runs of ectopics all day for about three/four days it sets me back.

My dad died when he was in his 50's and likewise his mum and dad and I think my problem lies there.

If you can advise I would be grateful.

Many thanks Julie


Need one or not?

Hello! I am looking for similar cases. My husband is 32. He currently has a biventricular pacemaker and a mechanical valve in the aeortic position. His cardiologist here in Pittsburgh says he needs a defibrillator because he has had several non sustaining episodes of ventricular tachycardia and by having the defibrillator if he would have one that put him into v-fib then it would shock him. The Cleveland Clinic is saying he does qualify for a defibrillator because his ejection fraction is a...


You know you're wired when...

You have a T-shirt that reads “Wired4Sound”.

Member Quotes

I'm 44, active and have had my device for two years. I love it as I can run again and enjoy working out without feeling like I'm an old man.