Most Recent Messages in General Posting


This is not heart related at all. So I am going to say sorry ahead of time. I don't get on often as I use to but I read every post daily from my cell phone, I just can't seem to respond. I keep up with y'all though as much as I can. I see and feel in the words that are said at points that people need encouraged and strengthened. Life changes for each of you daily. I personally want to welcome all the new pacers to this site. I hope that on your journey that you can find peace and support from t...


Pain Relief - Finally

I have finally gotten some help for the pain I have suffered with since early December! Ten days ago my IM suggested we try neurontin, for nerve pain. After six days, it was as if I could finally see the breaking of day, after a long dark night. The burning pain I was having is practically gone, along with the angry depressed mood I'd had. Thanks to all who put up with the negativity in my postings and comments, and to all who have corresponded with me, especially CathrynB. I still have some h...


Who's Who

Who is the young lady in the picture next to Electric Frank in the pic that he is showing off his chest and has the dial on it. The picture on the left is the one I am talking about. Are you from Ohio? If so are you from Springboro? Private message cottontop and let me know. Thanks so much!




Hey guys, just wondering if anyone knows where I can get one of those jelly sport bracelets. In my opinion, they are more practical than those flashy metal ones. They look cooler too!


Old PM

Hellooooooooo! Wondering: why do some people get their old PMs back? How do you get it?


Pacemakers and ICD's Q and A.

Pacemakers and ICD's.

The following are questions from medical students, and answers from an ICU doctor.
It explains the in's and out's of the function of a pacemaker or ICD, in all kinds of situations, as well as gives detailed information from various questions one may have, as a PM or ICD recipient.
I know it's very long, but well worth taking the time to read it.
It may be something one might want to bookmark.

Happy pacing!

~ Dominique ~


30 day event monitor

Good morning! I am currently wearing a 30 day event monitor, as the drs are trying to catch some of my v-tach episodes, rather than just on PM interogation. I have worn one of these before and it was normal, about a year ago I guess. Not once did they ask me after I called in a recording to do a test. This time around every time I call, they want me to do a test while on the phone. I tell them I have a PM, and they still continue to be confused or something.
Anyone else have to wear one of...


What a diagnosis

I just got a piece of junk mail offering me a chance in a drawing for a fee cremation! Does someone know something I don't know?


Advice Needed

Greetings everyone,

My father was told today that he may need to have a pacemaker implanted within the next few days. He has yet to have the official diagnosis from his cardiologist - has an appointment in the morning - but the docs at the ER in the hospital are advising that he get the pacemaker.

My father has had a long history with high blood pressure and palpitations/irregular rhythms. He is on meds for the high blood pressure and doing regular stress tests which have...


trying to acquire any and all info re: my recalled pacemaker

I would really like to chat with other people out there who are in the same situation that I am in. Whatever info I can gather so that when I go into meet with the Guidant Rep. he won't be able to tell me any BS! Please help me!


Should have done this years ago

First Post - new member. I'm a 57 year old male and have had atrial fib for 35 years. It gave me very few problems until recently when I began experiencing long pauses. Finally one of the pauses caused short term memory loss and confusion late last year. After a series of checks to confirm the diagnosis I had a PM inserted in early December 2007. The surgery was a snap but the rebalancing of the blood thinners before and after surgery meant the hospital stay was a week. The wound site heal...


ep or cardiologist

I am thinking about changing doctors, have a 2 lead medtronic pacemaker since 9/06. I am 100% paced they tell me from the monitoring every 2 months. Have left bundle block and blocked av node.I realize they are both cardiologist but I don't want to make the wrong choice. Any help would be appreciated.



ICD is gone

Well my hubby got rid of his icd the hard way. Sunday night, after waiting for 3 years, he had a heart transplant. He is doing well. He was sitting in a chair this morning for a few hours and ate a little jello and broth. Pray that he continues to improve.



I'm trying to figure out why I nearly passed out this morning. I've had my pm for 10 months now with no real physical issues. I'm not on any medication and I have always had normal bp in the past. I have been real anxious for a week and struggling with holding it together. This morning I woke up and was getting ready for work when I got real hot and sweaty and then had to rush to the bed before I went blank. I'm trying to decide if this passing out was caused by my pm or the anxiety. Has a...


to rewired and Helen

Thanks for the banter session. It was good fun. All joking nothing personal meant. When the page gets towards the bottom my computer jams. So Kay always gets the last word!!

Cheers and love. Billie


Doppler Scan

High PM Pals

I have to go for a Doppler Scan tomorrow, at the hospital ,on my leg. If it shows DVT then straight over to A&E. Is it ok for people with pacemakers to have this type of scan. Thanks. I feel nervous Billie



Does anyone else here have a recalled pacemaker? I ask because my new EP dr asked me if I had gotten any new correspondence about a possible lawsuit against Guidant. I said I had heard nothing! So I called Guidant/Boston Scientific today and left a voice mail for their legal department. I more than likely am having some pacer problems, the biggest other than a lot of fainting spells, my battery is depleting rather rapidly.


Lifted Restrictions???

Hi everyone!
My little one will be 5 in June--he has had a pacemaker since he was 18 months (1 1/2 years old)--due to 3rd degree heart block. Anyway, I was initially told by his cautious EP that sports would be very restricted--tennis, swimming, track were okay, but no contact sports or even sports with "incidental" contact, like baseball or basketball. Well, last month, the EP had changed his mind due to new statistics on incidental contact. He now says that any non-contact sports are o...


Considering Pace Maker yes/No

I have Atrial Fibrillation. Have had ablation and numerous meds. My heart is irregular most of the time and I feel bad. Doc now says Pace Maker is the only answer. Please tell me your experience with pace maker good/bad. What do think? Will it help? Does Pros outweigh Cons? Can you do normal yard work? Live normal life? Travel? Marvin


my post on PM movement

to all of you who responded to my post on PM movement i just wanted to say much thanks for your time and insights. information is a great "soother" and this site always puts my mind at ease and also raises more wonderful questions for later times!


You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

Member Quotes

I consider my device to be so reliable, that I never think about a failure.