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st. jude pacemaker/icd

I am going to get a st. jude pacemaker(bi-vent)/icd installed next week and was wondering if anyone has any advise on the device. Is it good or are other companies better? I am also enrolled in a research study which will either set my pacemaker by the traditional formula or by a new logarhythm set by st jude medical. Also please let me know about any precaustions I should take after getting this device in me. Thanking you........


PM replaced

This is note to the People who responded to my cry for help,when i was in fear of having my PM repaced.
I just had the surgery this week ,it was not bad at all.
The new PM will last 8-9 years and hope to be around for the next one.
Thank you all again
Ingrid from Texas



After nearly dying in intensive care in February this year I had a bi-phase synchronising pacemaker fitted with only 2 leads fitted. The third lead to the right atrium was not fitted due to atrial fibrillation. Six weeks later I had a complete AV node ablation blocking the fast signals that were trying to distroy my ventricles. I had to make up my own mind as to whether to go ahead with the AV node ablation as the doctors were sitting on the fence. I had an immediate improvement in my heart func...


Thank you and Something Else


It’s me again. I have a leaning experience I want to pass on but first I have to say thank you so very much to all of you. I expected there would be a few people that would comment because you are familiar with my tales of woe, but the response has been truly overwhelming. I have to say you people surly know how to make an old man feel important. I’ll be glad when we can post pictures so that I can see a picture of all you very nice people.

Now th something else....


shoulder jumping

i've had my PM since 3/8/07........last interogation was
in June i think, everything fine. i got the PM because my heart was
stopping 3-4 seconds, i guess this is sss? anyway last week my PM started jumping in my shoulder like it was beating, but it was
way slower than my pulse at the time. My sister, a LPN walked in the door and it quit, so i never got to show her what was happening.
It happenned again yesterday, and lasted for about a half hour, seems to be related to my...


Up Date On My SOB

Hello Folks,

Many of you have heard me pitching and moaning about being short of breath since back in the spring. Well after countless visits to doctors, I have finally gotten a diagnosis with pictures and confirmation from a second doctor. I have a sagging (or weak) diaphragm on the right side. Seems that (this is my understanding of what they told me and not their exact words) this condition keeps me from being able to inhale as much oxygen as I need for almost any type physical ac...


pacemaker adjustment problems anyone?

Hey everyone. I have a question - sort of - I just had my pacemaker adjusted today & I need to know if anyone else has experienced this problem.

Today, they increased my minimum BPM from 50 to 70. Shortly after the tech. did this - I started having pain in my arm and I can barely lift it yet this evening. Now, usually after they mess w/pm it takes a few hours for the change to feel normal, but I have never had pain before. I also have a pain in the middle of my shoulder blades....


Happy Anniversary, Ralph

Ralph is my pacemaker - today is our 1-year anniversary together.

One year and six days ago, I fainted on a commuter train to work and went into what the other passengers thought was a seizure. Once we got downtown, a kind stranger steered me into a cab and took me to the emergency room. She even waited with me until I was fully admitted before going to work.

One year and four days ago I learned that I am a medical anomaly. I have both vasovagal syncope and long QT syndr...


Please help.

Thank you all for your support and comments. It helps knowing I'm not alone going through this crazy ordeal. Anyway, my question is this: I have had a PM for AV blockage for over 12 years. Last surgery was in Aug 07. I have had chest pains for the past 17 years. I am on no meds, I have low and fast heartrate, but the doctor says there is no reason for me to be having chest pains.

I have what I call "spells" where I can be having a normal day and BAM I have sharp pains in my che...



Hi everyone --- thank God for this site and for all of you knowledgable people. I had my PM 09/10/07 almost a month and I went back to my Cardo today. I had a few questions and concerns which I wanted to address with him, so I did just that. I am a nervous/scared type of gal anyway, so of course everything he said to me was really taken to heart. He interogated my PM while I asked if everything looked ok - he then replied I see a little problem there. Of course that response scared me - th...


short question

So many of you refer to your E P. Now I ask you what is and E P? 'Cause I don't have one. They never even answer my calls so I can't ask the cards.


question for the Ladies

My aunt has recently got a pacemaker. I have some questions. Is the pacemaker always on the left side and placed in the same place on everyone? Also is there anywhere to get a special bra as the regular one hurts her? Sorry fellas, just needed some info. Also are there websites I can go to that have pictures and info on the type pacemaker she has? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Ginger



I have a Guidant PM made by Boston Scientific. I have been told that I can't have my PM monitored over the telephone.
Anybody know anything about this? I have been told that some people do use the telephone..


weird question

Hi everyone, I have my first nasty cold with my pm. If I cough really hard can it mess with my leads? I woke myself up coughing last night and it really hurt my pm, I don't think anything is messed up, I was just curious.



Has anyone experienced interference from their IPod? I have a 5 1/2 year old boy and he wants an IPod. He listens to his brother's regularly, but we make sure the IPod isn't close to the left side of his abdomen. The next time we see the Cardiologist, I may take the IPod to see if we can cause interference.


My problem or theirs?

So i'm 14 and i love to swim, i can stay in the pool for hours and hours until i get super burned and my mom makes me get out. But i'm wondering, is it right for people to think I'm stupid for wearing a 2 piece with my scars and i'm just being stupid putting myself out there like that? Or is others being superficial and stuck up? Any one else have this problem? I'm not saying they cant be like i hope your not self consious, but when they stare and other kids whisper about me, i think its just wr...


Online Support for Women with Pacemakers

Hi all! Just wanted to invite all 'wired' women to join our group:, we provide online support to all women with pacemakers; whether you've had six implants, or have become recently wired - we offer a monthly e-newsletter, 24/7 access to our chat room, a bulletin board for posting messages or photos, and lots more. Drop a note for more information! ~Dawn (founder), WIRED4LIFE (


thanksgiving in canada

i wish to wish all the canadians at our site a very happy thanksgiving. i found out yesterday that canada was the first country to celebrate it in the 1700's. then in the 1800's the americans began to celebrate and it was actually at first the ist monday in october for some time like ours. then the americans our dear neighbours moved theirs to november about a month before christmas. we in both countries have so much to be thankful for. we live in a free society and we have a good life for sure....


Shocking Lady

I'm the lady that was getting shocked by her pacemaker. I finally got my answer. If any of you have a newer pacemaker that has an automatic impedance check and you feel shocks, that could be the problem. I discovered that my shocks were occurring every three hours. I felt like a clock! After much research and getting in touch with the Cleveland Clinic, I got my answer. The impedance check is set at 5v for 1 millisecond on my pacer which is a Medtronic EnPulse. This is more than i...


Introducing me...

Hello All,

I am so happy I found this place!!! I am a 45 year old mother of three, 23, 16, and 9. Three years ago, I passed out and went code blue in the right place at the right time! In the hospital. I was being monitored for possible heart attack. I never had the heart attack, which is a good thing.

After going Code Blue, I then went into A-Fib. It took three kinds of meds to get me back going again. The next day... the doctors came in and asked me if I had ever...


You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.