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finally right

happy holidays to everyone I just would like to tell everyone that is new or fairly new to the pm life that it is now 6 months since my implant alot of adjustments and weird feelings but I am now back to my old self Not sure if that is good pain,tickings afew pac but all in all I feel good just hand in there and keep calling your dr untill it is right good luck Sue


Pacemaker and Coal Mining

Was wondering if you can work in a undergound coal mine with a pacemaker?



I have had my PM since 2005 and have really had no problems what so ever,I have tachy/brady syndrome and a fib,For the last couple of months i have noticed I have been having a lot of PVCs I alreadt take potasium and magnesium which has been prescibed andway i have had several events you could say in the middle of the night i wake up with my heart feeling like its beating out of my chest I have been short of breath and a few times very dizzy is this anything to be concerned with i do have a Dr...


Came across something

I came across this quote while looking for helpful hints about my stress/anxiety.

I wanted to share this with anyone working through the same issues.

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.”



Are there any vitamin supplements I can take to lessen the PAC's?


Panic and Anxiety

I've come here before...for the same reason. And I'm sorry that I'm coming here again....just have nowhere else to turn.

I'm having PAC's, still on Xanax and still scared to death. I've come to figure out my tingling hands and feet are from hyperventilating due to the fear.

I feel cripled with fear since the pacemaker was implanted. I know it's there to help but I am more worried now that ever before. I've been praying everyday...everytime I close my eyes to sleep.


3 weeks and a few questions

Hello all - I am 3 weeks post PM placement. How long do the implant site and surgical site stay sore to the touch? Just wondering what is a reasonable expectation on my part.


CRT-D Implanted...finally!

Hello everyone,

First of all, all of you who share your stories on this forum and to those who shared their experiences and advice with me will never be forgotten, this forum made my personal ordeal much more manageable.

Secondly, three days prior to my surgery, I got a prescription for XANAX from my PCP...never had it before. I took my first dose as soon as I got it and from then up until the surgery, what jitters I did have were cut in for me that was good thin...


To the ER Again!

I'm 83, and never had any kind of heart problem until just a year ago. Had a PM inserted because the Holter said my HR dropped to 30 at night, and they wanted to get it up so they can give me AFIB meds. I'm on sotolol and warfarin. I've seen the EP doc a number of times - he seems baffled.
Went to the ER a couple of days ago, the eighth time in a year. My pulse was at about 150 for over an hour so I called 911. They came right away and took me to the ER, where they know me well. I've never...


Happy hollidays all

Hope everyone has a nice Christmas season.Looking forward too another year with all your great advice and support.Good luck all


Leads Removal

I am having my pacemaker changed next Tuesday, and there is a strong possibility that my leads will be removed also. Could you please tell me how this is done? Is it done as open heart surgery or does the same physician removes the leads at the time of the pacemaker change? I would appreciate your help. I have lupus also that may complicate my life. Thank you. Ariela


Heart condition?

I have a stupid question I guess. I really had not thought about lt till today. I was looking at some paperwork that my daughter was filling out about a life insurance co. And one of the questions was do you have a heart condition. Now I thought for a minute and thought the answer was obvious. yes but since I got my pacemaker and it resolved the issue the answer should be no right? Does anyone know. the proper answer for this question if it ever arose for myself? Oh my diagnosis was 2n...


Just remember, we are the lucky ones.

Just saw this today and I still have tears in my eyes. Even though we might think life has dealt us a bad hand, seeing something like this puts things in perspective. I am going to make sure I give my kids and extra hug and kiss tonight.


A-fib in short, intense bursts

Anyone else have this issue and what is your doc saying about it.

While they didn't pick it up when they had me in the hospital originally and they are thinking it may have been something that has developed since the pacer was put in my pacer tech saw where I am having very intense but very short episodes of a-fib. Very short meaning none have ever lasted longer than a minute and most are less than 10 seconds but very intense meaning some have been clocked at close to 300 bpm. Right...


Settings and issues

I have had my pacemaker since 2007 and have had adjustments made on occasion. I have a single lead pacer for sick sinus syndrome. During the warmer months I play a lot of sports, softball, field hockey etc. so they set my sensing to accomodate the activity. Two days ago I felt like I was going to pass out and my HR has been in the 120-140's. Today I had my PPM interrogated and the sensing was making my pacemaker think that when I walked I needed a higher increase so my rate would shoot up in the...


almost 4yr old with pacemaker

Well this is my first time I have got on here and i was reading alot of post and alot of parents are just concerned with the child having a pm. Well I know alot of children will live I hope a normal life with a pm I was always told, well my daughter got her pm at 4 months bc they said she had VSD well they corrected the VSD and she ended up in heartblock she grew well, she had an emergency surgery at 2 years old in 2007 her lead fractured she seemed alittle tried and said her chest hurt her hear...


Time to Take Stock.

  • by bunnykin
  • 2009-12-11 06:12:27

Dear PM/ICD pals,
For some of us, this year has been one of for want of a better word"bumpy" one; I can say that for myself since the extraction of a faulty recalled lead and change of ICD in July. There was not a bright light at the end of the tunnel ever since. More VTs and junctional tachycardias of late and more fear to bring home from clinic checks. There's again talks and suggestion of another Ablation, which I dread. ( Would be my 4th ablation if yet again.). But thru it all, we're...


Pacemaker and narcotics

My husband recently had a pacemaker implanted. He also has an addiction to narcotic/opoids (mainly oxycontin). My question is, do narcotic drug effect the pacemaker. I have constantly worried about my husbands problem (which I believe is probably why he had to have the pacemaker in the first place, hes 37.) Please help I cant find any info on this.


Adjusting to new pulse


Just got my first PM (am in early 60s) Wednesday. Was bradycardia ("normal" pulse rate 45-50) but asymptomatic until Holter monitor showed sleeping rate low 30s and 3 second pause and my cardiologist said I need at PM.

So now for 2 days my pulse is near 80 and slept OK but how long does it take to get used to your new pulse rate? I'm aware of more heartbeats but did like my old slower pace also. Play tennis and did get rate up to 80 but now that's my new "normal". T...


club member

I have MEdtronic PM and have a 2-3% AV block.Have the PM since 2007.I realize this now more than ever before. When I go for a walk, walk about 3 miles at about 4m/hr pace ,I get so exhausted about may be three times during the walk.I have to slow down for a min. or so and then can continue with my normal pace. I went o my doctor and first they thought they need to up my upper limit setting to 150 rather than 120 which I had. they thought I was doing my excercising vigrous. ( I do yoga on regular...


You know you're wired when...

You can proudly say you’re energy efficient.

Member Quotes

I can't wait to give my son a run for his money again in the park again.