Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Heart block?

If your heart is pacing 99% of the time Ventricular but only 2% atrial, dies that mean that you have 3rd degree heart block?
Also, I have read that if your natural heart rate is 50 or below, that is pretty low. Does that mean that if you pace at the above rate that your heart is beating to slow?
If so, why was it not upped to 60 minimum at my 1st check-up last week!
I am confused!!


Re: " Dairy Princess "

Debbie Stamos was one of the newest members of our on-line family...her vibrant personality blessed many of our lives...she will be missed.

Below is a link which can be used to sign her guestbook:




come back to chat if you have time.


Dairy Princess (Debbie) -Update

Thank you all for your prayers and sympathies extended for Debbie's unexpected passing. We thought she was on the road to recovery, so this news was quite a shock. We are somewhat relieved to know she did not suffer, and was within her normal routine.... having a hard time falling asleep at night, watching tv on the couch and being on the computer, finally falling asleep until 3 or 4am, then crawling into bed. Sometime after she dozed off, she passed.
According to the Medical Examiner,...


Do you need a landline

My father doesn't have a land line and recently received a pacemaker. Is there any way to use his cell phone to monitor and download info to dr.?


DairyPrincess (Debbie) News

I am sorry to pass this information on to the friends in this club, but Debbie passed away peacefully in her sleep in the early morning hours of March 17th.
We have no further information at this time as arrangements are being made. Her service will be in St. Cloud, potentially on Saturday. More information should be available in the Star Tribune.


Pacemaker with Super Power abilities

I feel like complete crap today, and wish there was a button on my device that I could push to give me more energy.

I was just wondering if your device could give you a super power or special ability at the touch of a button, what would it be?


Happy St. Patrick's Day

Have a great day.


How far to you follow your faith?

I'm 27yrs old and was born with a Congenital Heart Block. I hear this is normal because my mom has Lupus. I had my pacemaker put in 12yrs ago this week and it's almost time to have it replaced.
I've always felt as if putting a mechanical device in your body to keep you alive was not what we should be doing. I don't think God intended us to be bionic half machine/ half human. I don't mean to affend anyone, it's just the way I feel.
I'm not very religious but I do believe...



Hey guys!!! Hope you are all well and behaving.... !

I am going to try and get into chat at 9pm UK time.... so if someone wants to bring the chips/crisps oooh! bottle opener, and lots more to nibble on.... I'll bring the wine!! come and join me!!!!

Love & Hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxxx


Living With A Pacemaker

and this might help too......

Living With Your Pacemaker

Now that you have a pacemaker (or soon may get one), you may be wondering why you need one and how a pacemaker works. Your artificial pacemaker is a modern marvel; it's medical science's solution to the electrical problems of a slow or irregular heartbeat. But before you can understand how your pacemaker works, you first need to know a little about your heart. Basically, your heart is a pump made of special musc...


Managing Your Pacemaker

Just thought I'd repost this, you never know, it might be of some help to someone.....

Managing Your Pacemaker

Do your part in managing your pacemaker. You may have to have someone help you, but there are certain things you'll need to do to manage your pacemaker successfully. These include:
Understand your acceptable heart rate. Before you leave the hospital, discuss with your doctor the specific maximum heart rate above your pacemaker rate that's acceptable. Di...


High BP vs. Low BP

Hey everyone,
I know this is a PM support group but I am wondering if anyone could give me some advice.I have suffered from High bp for years. Today I went for a check-up with my pcp. My bp was 100/70 so he worked out a new routine for my meds. I have been feeling very woozy for about an hour or so along with being weak and very heavy in the shoulders. I used my home bp monitor just now and it showed that my bp is now 85/60. Since I know that those #'s are normal for some people I don't...



The Quote of the Week is here!!!!!!!! Best time of the week, it is... Certainly makes my Mondays suck a whole lot less. :) Anyhoos, here it is:

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on it."
- Franklin Delanor Roosevelt (IDK if his middle name's spelled right)

So, I will catch up w/ you guys later!!!! Have a good one, Sydney

P.S. Camp O...


Useful link.

Sorry about the typo. I did mean usefu (L)



A very Informative Link.

For all of you who wonder how various procedures are done, and why, but get no answers from your individual providers, here is a very usefuk link, that explains in easily understood terms, everything you need to know.



Blue Tooth

Will a Blue Tooth work safely with a medtronic pacemaker?
I know some of you know the answer.... aldeer


Sleeping with a pacemaker....

I just got a dual chamber Medtronics pacemaker on Feb 24th on the left side. Will I only be able to sleep on my back or right side from now on ? Is it unsafe to put pressure on the pacemaker by sleeping on the left side or tummy?.

Secondly my cardiologist says never do any chest excercises from now on to prevent leads from being ripped out. So......that being said is having sex for me, the guy , in the "push-up" position not not a good idea either?????


I've been thinking about the arguing wife.

I've really been giving the question of the arguing wife a lot of thought. It has come to me that there has been times in my life that I made my husbands life just awful. I look back at those times and I realize that it was each time he was going away for an extended period of time. He was a career soldier and I was often times left for weeks and months at a time to care for our family all alone. Even though I knew he had no choice. I also recall becoming very unkind to my friends and family w...


Chicago Suburbs

I was wondering if there are any pacemaker support groups in the Chicago Suburbs. Thanks


You know you're wired when...

Your favorite poem is “Ode to a Cardiac Node”.

Member Quotes

I’m healthy as a horse because of the pacemaker.