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Re: Toporol (Metoprol) XL Recall

Below are two sites to check re; the recent recall of the Beta-adrenergic blocking agent titled above. Those experiencing a problem with this product availability may find this information pertinent.



Spelling blooper!

Sorry....mispelled Toprol XL & Metoprolol in my previous post:
need to be more aware of spelling before I post!



Thank You BillMFI and Cabg Patch

In the last 24 hours you two have given me more information than my heart doc or primary care doc...The article about one lead by Cabg Patch brought me to ask questions and I really thank him for that article and responce, BillMFI, your comment on so many blood pressure pills finally forced answers from my own family, yes they are being used to keep my heart from working so hard because of the damage and weak spot in my heart from the total blockage and heart can understand them yel...


for Westchester, NY residents

I just wanted to mention about 2 support groups that meet at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla NY

there's a small group devoted for people with congestive heart failure. guest speakers have included nutritionists, social security reps, heart transplant specialists, etc. they meet once a month at West. Med. Center, for more info call Joanne Reed at 914-493-1730

the other group is geared more towards people with ICD's and Pacemakers. they meet regularly at 'Cardio...


2 months later....

I've had my PM for about 2 months now and can't believe how good I feel. Two little things tough. 1. I have what seems to be an insatiable itch around the PM, is this common, does anyone else have this? 2. I still treat the area with some delicacy when I'm showering even though it's completely healed, is this something others do?

Minor problems I know but I just wondered if I was alone.




im in chat right now, off and on give me time to respond


Single lead ICD

Cabbage Patch refered to a one lead being strickly a defibrillator type, I had a single lead ICD implanted in October of 2008 St Jude modle number 1207-36, my heart doctor ordered a PM but the EP decided I needed the defb/Pm which they say is both off a single lead, I am confused to no end as since the implant I have had nothing but problems, I had stent put in both right and left side, one in 2007 total blockage in right side, causing heart attack, and in 2008 the left side was nearly blocked,...


to ride or not to ride?

Hello, Rex here. I had a pacemaker/defibulator installed in october 2008 and was told I can no longer ride my 1993 Harley Davidson Softail. Does anyone know if this is accurate info? Please let me know since I have not ridin since then. Well, except for the week after being released from the hospitol and a fellow club member broke his clutch cable on his twin cam and needed me to ride it home for him, then I lent him my bike. Please help me. Thank you and GOD Bless



I just got my pacemaker a few months ago and experience increased static on my body. Does this have anything to do with my pacemaker? I was just wondering if the metal might be causing it.


Slight Chest/Heart Pain


I had my PM installed 12/6/08 and surgery/recovery all went very well. However, I have noticed slight (pinching type) pain in my heart almost 10% of the time. I have monitored my HR and it is above my PM threshold setting of 60 during the pain. Therefore, I don't believe that I am feeling the PM kicking in.

It is possible I'm just being hypersensitive post pm. However, I'm reluctant to go back to the cardiologist for another battery of tests...



When Did You Know...

I am 30, and was diagnosed with complete heart block about 28 years ago. The doctors do not know if it was congenital, or the result of anesthesia which I was given at the age of 2 as the heart block was diagnosed a couple of months after that incident. When I was younger I was just monitored by a cardiologist to make sure I did not start showing symptoms. My question is, for those who were in my same situation, what was the point where you knew it was time for a pacemaker. I have been told...


Chat anyone

anyone up for a chat



Is that regional terminology? I've only ever heard it used here on this list. My docs say implanted or just getting a pm.

So, the real question is... am I the only one who sees "fitted" and thinks bras....


Thank you Cabg Patch and ccmoore

Thank you Cabg Patch, and ccmoore and others for your input about ICD's. This website and your assistance, comments, and personal messages have helped me in my transition of living with an ICD.
I thank you so much,



Flashing pacemakers

You know.....
Have ya'll seen that flashing jewelry. Well I think since we have to wear this internal bling, don't ya'll think we should be able to customize it to our liking.
I'm gonna have my doc install lights on mine. That way in the dark I'll always be able to find my way.
And at parties, I'd be the life of the party as I play the role of the human disco ball. "first I was afraid......I was petrified....."
"C-E-L-E-B-R-A-T-E good times c'mon."
Always a hit at Hallo...



It is that time of the week again!!!!!

"The opposite of love isn't hate - it's indifference. And if you hate me, that means you still care."
- Janet Flanner

Unfortunaely I think most doctors are on more of the indifference side. :) At least mine is! Anyway, George isn't having a very good day and I have a 2 hour delay, so I'm goning to see if I can stay home! Blah... :(

Have a great day!!! Sydney


Went all Winter

and havent gotten sick, until now I started feeling sick to my stomach thursday, head stuffed up, nose running, sneezing, and coughing, now it wont go away four days later guess i will go to doc today as it is starting to go to my chest, since they told me not to take any over the counter medicine without doctor approval guess Ill have to go in. I was scared all winter long about getting flu or any thing else since my bypass and pm insertion. Now spring is almost here boom I get sick. Coughed so...


Phone check device and its magnet

Hi everyone,

I'm 6 weeks post-implant. I travel for work, and am resuming my travel this week - a car trip this week, then a cross-country plane trip next week. I have a couple questions. Do any of you travel with your phone check device? If you have a phone check scheduled during a business trip, do you perform the check while on the road, or reschedule it when you're home? If you do take your phone check device with you, are you wary of the huge magnet? I'm wary of just leaving it h...


Sad day today

My sister, age 65, passed away last night. She had a heart attack and stroke 5 years ago and although partially paralyzed, her mind was still very sharp and intact. She called me yesterday afternoon just to chat and we laughed about old times, etc. She said she felt fine and we parted with I love you's. I am so glad she called. Our family has a genetic link to metabolic syndrome. High blood pressure, high tryglycerides, diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. Most of my first degree relatives suffe...


Lent/ CHD stuff!

Hey guys!! Well, I gave up coffee for Lent. I'm not upset, rather surprised at myself!! I'm sure my friends and fellow classmates are happy, but I still drink super - caffinated tea. :) HAHAHAHA! Today @ church I gave mini speeches to all the Sunday School classes about Camp Odayin, a camp for kids w/ heart disease. It went well and hopefull I will have a big check to send off in June!!! I am sooo excited about fundraising! There seems to be a lot of support from people. My charities are:


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

We are very lucky to have these devices.