Most Recent Messages in ICDs

Traveling With an ICD


I had a Medtronic ICD implanted in 2020. So far, when I travel, I've been packing the Carelink Monitor in the box it came in. The box is beginning to get banged up, and it's a bit bulky to travel with. I haven't been able to find a specificallt travel case for my Carelink monitor. Does anyone use any hard case for their Carelink monitor that they would recommend for travel?


Arm pain

I had a Pacemaker placed Oct 31,2021. Since then I've had 2 revisions, heart failure and recently, September 2022 had a new pacemaker with defibrillator placed. Throughout all of this I have had left arm pain. I thought it would subside after recovery from my procedures but it has not. One nurse told me it could be scar tissue. (Wouldn't that be near the incision?). I've mentioned a few times to different cardiology people and they don't seem concerned or know why I have...


Update of Repositioning

I had some good news from the surgeon followup after the CT scan.  My leads are not damaged from the CRT-D dropping and flipping 90 degrees when I lie on my right side.  He said the leads are very vulnerable and I am lucky.  I breathed a sigh of relief and said I guess it wasn't going to be complicated, but he quickly answered where the CRT-D is it is very complicated and he only does complicated cases.  The CT scan had amazing 3D images, adjusting filters and being ab...


Repositioning of Device experience?

As many of you may remember, I had my ICD replaced last January due to battery life and upgraded to a 3rd lead.  Shortly after it was replaced, it dropped down into my breast and turns 90 degrees when I lie on my right side.  I've had to wear a bra 24/7 to keep it from turning.  It has continued to be very painful and when it flips back it feels like it gets caught.  After months I was hoping it had scarred down, but it has not.  My 'new' EP said he d...


Time frame

I've been living and traveling in my motorhome since I retired 4 years ago and sold my house. In May I had a heart attack while out West, got a couple of stents and went though cardiac rehab, lost a little more than 30 pounds and went to the gym twice everyday too. But my EF didn't improve enough, I need an ICD. So I'm back in my hometown to be near family and for help after implantation.

My new cardiologist has confirmed my need and sent me to...


6 Hourly Bleeps

Evening Guys

I have been hearing some bleeps while pottering around the house over the last week or so. Thought it was one of my daughters toys or the dishwasher. Until I heard it at them same time everyday 7.41am 1.71pm 7.41pm and 1.41am it bleeps for 16 bleeps  

i have been having issues with my ICD leads after my ICD was replaced last year. They have told me there are eroding and might need replacing. So I'm booked in on Tuesday for a scan and X-ray. 



  • by Beni
  • 2022-08-23 11:53:19
  • ICDs

This is my first post.

I am scheduled to have a CRT-D implanted on September 15th.

I have a couple of questions and would appeciate any and all advice.

I am curious about other's experiences with how they controlled swelling/pain after surgery.  I have aslo read numerous comments about avoiding frozen shoulder issues afterwards.  Perhaps someone could offer some suggestions about range of movement and "gentle" excercises. I would also be interested in...


Barostim Therapy

Hello all, 

I have heard actually on this site that the Barostim therapy has been authorized by the FDA and is now available to patients with HF. I spoke to my cardiologist and he doesn't have a lot of information about it other than it is a clinical trial and to qualify for it you need to be basically dying.

I have had my Biventriculator for a year and a half now and my EF still at 20-25%, my heart is enlarged a bit and I think I will need to persue this treatment, I am...



Is it common to get a low grade fever of 99.4 after ICD placement.  Mine was placed yesterday on

8/15/22.  Thank you. 


abdominal pain

Hi has anyone experienced almost constant twitching on the left of your stomach and severe abdominal pain after being breathless, the pain lasts about 10 minutes then subsides and goes away. This has happened 4 times in the last 3 weeks my doctor is baffled. I have read that this can be caused by a ICD lead dislodgement.Any help/advise would be appreciated


Impedance increasing

My heart failure doctor seemed concerned that my impedence was continuing to increase.  My fluid level continues to stay the same--top of the normal range.

She said she was going to have to do some research and check with my EP.  Does anybody have any ideas?  There was a concern last year with my former EP that I had a lead that had variable voltage and a lengthy phone call with Medtronic determined it may be failing.  It was never addressed after that appt and...


ICD rotated almost 90 degrees today

Hi, all - just joined the club.  Today marked 8 weeks after my ICD implant.  Last night I was doing choires like packing for a camping trip and laundry.  I could feel my ICD move around everytime I bent over.  This morning I could feel the lead wire resting on the surface of the device - that was new.  I called the clinic, and they had me come in to check it.  Lead was working, so I went on with my day.  I spent the afternoon setting up camp, nothing strenuo...


About to get an ICD

Hey all, I was diagnosed with VT about a month ago, and my EP is going to do an EP study and, if I'm a good candidate, an ICD implant all the same day. It is AMAZING to find a community like this!

My questions:

1. Anyone else here have both the study and implant done at the same time?

2. I am VERY active as a formerly competitive cyclist, though now just recreational (cardiologist-recommendation to not push it as hard as you have to when competitive). I am also an avid m...


adjusting to a defibrillator

Hello everyone! I had an ICD implanted in December of 2021. Since then I have tried to follow the doctor's guidelines for healing to get back to my usual routine. However my ICD causes me a lot of discomfort. In additon, it is progressively slipping down from where it was surgically implanted. I've seen the doctor and talked to them on the phone several times since December. They tell me that I'm so thin that there is nothing to keep it in place and the only way they can fix it is...


There's that mule kicking me again....

That darn mule decided to kick me in the chest again.  Just sitting in front of the computer, decided to browse the menu for my local pizza joint and felt it spin up.  This time I figured I would show it whose boss.  I slammed my fists down on the desk and said "NO,  NO,   not tonight.  We are not doing this tonight, you are not going to shock me", and with that BAM!  Knocked me right off my chair.  That was Thursday Feb 3rd 2022.  C...


Pulsating Arm



I recently has one of the only issues I have ever had in the last 12 years. Near to where the wires are for my icd my muscles were pulsating very strongly. 

after been checked out by an ambulance crew the but it down to a nervous twitch. Prior to this I was putting my daughter to bed. 

the next day I spoke to my ICD nurse and she said it was not related to my long qt or icd. 

have any of you h...


CRT-D for Low EF

  • by miker
  • 2022-01-02 16:51:21
  • ICDs

I had a heart attack 13 years ago (49), took about 6 months to start feeling right but heart rate/blood pressure always remained low, like high 40's low 50's and 100/70. Year after year Cardiologist never said much other than things looked great. Had a near-syncope 4 years ago while eating breakfast. Put on Holter and after 2 weeks recorded another VT, it stopped spontaneously in about a second and I felt momentarily light headed. Echo, stress test, catheterization, EP test...


ICD shock while driving

I had my ICD for almost 9 months and I took a full time WFH job to minimize my driving. I haven't had any shocks or ATP so far (knock on wood).Just wondering how it feels when you get a shock while driving? Do you feel any symptoms which will give you some time like 30 secs to a minute so that you can pull over? If there are no warning signs and you get a shock, can you control the vehicle ? This is the one thing I am most scared about while driving my daugther and mom (they both cant dri...


Icd implanted under breast muscle

Hello everyone! It is so wonderful to find this club. I am two weeks away from my surgery and would like to connect. I am so amazed by the support... it's so wonderful. 
I was wondering if anyone had the pacemaker or defibrillator implanted under the breast muscle? 


experience with Abbott Gallant DR ICD?

Hi All,

I'm new here. 44yr old male. I got diagnosed with lamin cardiomypathy which basically took me for complete surprise. I am coping with it all. Have bouts of depression about it but what can I do. Does anyone have any experience with an Abbott Labs Gallant DR ? I hear its fairly new but wanted to know if anyone has this ICD. It seems to have a fair bit of technology trademarked. I was implanted yesterday at NYU Langone by a renowed EP and I seem to be healing fine, though...


You know you're wired when...

Born to be Wired is your theme song.

Member Quotes

I'm 44, active and have had my device for two years. I love it as I can run again and enjoy working out without feeling like I'm an old man.