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STILL low blood pressure

I'm on day 13 since my placement of my pacemaker. I am sleeping like 15 - 20 hours a day and still extremely exhausted. My bp today is in the 85/40 - 95/45 range. I'm also getting a bad headache AGAIN!

Thursday, the doctor took me off of the prednisone and put me on decadron. I'm wondering if this could be causing the lower bp and headache. They do think that this is NOT PM related and I believe them. My husband wanted to know how my bp could be so low if my heart rhythm is doing f...


Update for today

I am so blessed for all of you and your posts and thoughts. So here is the plan of action to kick this MRSA in the butt. So this is what I know or think I know.

1. I am getting antibiotics every 12 hrs. now.
2. I was very dehydrated and my IV bag is my great friend
3. I had one goal today and that was to get some food and drink down. I did so.
4. I will have a TEE Echo done on Monday. To see if the infection has gotten to my heart. I highly doubt it has. I don't see...


Health insurance & pre existing conditions

Hello everyone...I have a question. has anyone figured out how to get health insurance with a pre-existing condition...and if so, who is your insurance provider? I am without insurance with my pm going in Tuesday, for years I have been trying to get health insurance but nobody wants me with my pre existing conditions. (only heart stuff, other than that I am in perfect health) How do I get around this? How do I get health insurance so that we are not buried in debt forever? Any insight anyone has...


In hospital

Everyone wanted to give you a update. I am in the hospital and will be for some time. I was in so much pain and couldn't fight the infection any longer.
They are going down my throat tomorrow to do a echo. I am a little nervous as I have not had this or gone through any of this in the past. MRSA sucks!

Pray please,



I just bought an electric heating matteress pad and now I am wondering if it is ok to use with a pm



Hi Guys,
It's Bram again. Just wanted to give you a short (I hope) update on Taryn. I also wanted to thank you from both my family and myself. We have been so touched by the outpour of support from this group. It has been amazing. I understand some of you have had some difficulties emailing her, the email hasn't worked very well. Her personal email address again is Please feel free to email any time and I will read them to her since I'm there and at her bedside everyday....


Pacemaker and Tanning Bed

I am a 51 year old female who received a pacemaker last Wednesday. I use the tanning bed to get A LITTLE color year round. Is this ok????

Thank you in advance!


EKG-machines and pacemakers

Since I was told I have A-fib, I have looked for a device to tell me. I want to know more about the situations leading up to an A-fib incident, and to know when the incidents stop. I'm not able to pin it down on my own, without some kind of equipment. I've tried to make Medtronic make a device to give me a continous reading from the PM, but they don't seem to be interested.

However, I've found to small EKG monitors: ReadMyHeart and InstantCheck, from DailyCare. They're a poor substi...


Recovery looks like day 12 was my turning point! I actually feel normal MOST of the time. I still cant lay down w/ out pain around the ICD and turning over to either side is still VERY painful. BUT....I am so thankful to feel like my brain is back and energy is returning. I also ordered 2 medical ID bracelets today. One pretty and one for when I walk. I normally walk by myself and w/ out my purse, so that is when I might need one the most.

Thank you for those who gave me my pep...


Update on Taryn

It's Bram again. just wanted to let you know that Taryn had a good night and is doing better today. They have done an echo this morning which we don't have the results from and she is going for a CT scan soon on her abdomen to see if there are any clues about her kidneys. They are working again. She is making urine. I guess the one dialysis worked, but we don't know for sure yet. they are concerned because her potassium level is high and that is dangerous for her heart and she has a fev...


Infection update 2

Well,I wanted to give y'all a update on what is going on with me. I found out today that I do indeed have MRSA. My antibiotic has been giving me hives like no other and it's the last one I can take. I am so irritated about this but I was determinded to stay on this one b/c I know what my choice is after this. Hospital visit or give myself antibitics through IV at home. I am taking benadryl like it is my best friend. Still not taking hives away but causes less itching.
So far I was freake...



Any UK...

How were you treated by DVLA and your motor insurance company?


Thpught this would cheer some people up!!

Hi all i hope this note finds you all in good health and good spirits. This note is way off topic but i thought id share a quick story/advice to cheer you up and get your mind off of serious things. Im a big movie buff and was lucky enough to win 2 tickets for a sneek preview of the new movie Shutter Island on Tuesday,im a HUGE Martin Scorsese and Leo Dicaprio fan. There last movie together The Departed was my second favorite movie of all time! Anyway unfountantly i was in the cardiac ICU on Tue...


No energy

I've had my PM for about a year and a half and can't understand why I'm so lax.
I have no energy and thought the PM would do the trick.
I fall asleep in my chair while watching TV and while I want to plan to get out of the house and go to line dancing lessons, my energy is soooo low. I haven't the drive to move out of my own way.
My sugar level is OK .
Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?


Can pacemaker move?

Is it possible for my pacemaker to shift to the right? Yesterday my sports bra strap dug into the pacemaker when working out and really hurt. Then it seemed to bulge a little more than normal. And today I noticed that my seatbelt wasn't bothering the site as it usually does. So I think it shifted, but not sure if it's possible or if I should be concerned. My implant was 6 months ago, under the muscle.

Any thoughts?



Bandages off/shocks

Today I get my bandages off from my PM surgery last week. I am hoping he will be able to make some more adjustments too because I am still getting shocked every time I bend over and sometimes just randomly when I am sitting here. He made some adjustments a few days ago and said the lower lead seems to be resting right over a nerve. I really hope that I do not have to be opened back up to have the lower lead readjusted; I may just deal with the shocking experiences, LOL



Hi everyone,
This is Taryn's brother Bram. First off, I wanted to thank all of you for your well wishes to Taryn and the support to our family. I know Tammy has been trying to keep you informed, but I have been asking her to keep it general. I'm now going to try to bring you up to speed, but also try to keep it short. It's been about 48 hours since this all began (and it might have started long ago), but Taryn is finally stable enough to be off the breathing machine and breath on her own. S...


pregnancy with a pacemaker

Hi everyone,

I got my pacemaker in January 2008 at age 23, now I'm 25 because I have congenital heart block. I recently found out that I'm pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and I was just wondering what happens and what can I expect. If anyone has any input or somebody has the same thing I would really appreciate it.
Please let know!! Thank you!


What do these settings mean?

The lower range of my PM is 60 and the upper limit is set at 120. Another note I made it that the PM paces at 70%.

What do these things mean?

Thank you so much.



Update 2 on tsimbrow!

Well today I got word that Taryn is very sick and is not doing well but is fighting.
I ask that all of you lovely people remember her in your thoughts. Being young and facing so much sometimes I don't grasp the strength people have. Taryn is a strong women and is fighting her battle.
I can't imagine how scary it must be for her and her family. So lets continue to keep her in our thougths.



You know you're wired when...

You have a new body part.

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A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.