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Question? Is it safe for a person with a Pacemaker to ever have a defib used on them - Im thinking overzealous people who may not recognise betweena weak pulse and no pulse!


accelerated junctional rhythm

I have a CRT device for heart failure. Lately I have been in and out of an accelerated junctional rhythm and have symptoms of dizzyness, blurred vision, and I can't walk far at all during these episodes. I know the accelerated junctional rhythm causes AV dysynchrony and that is probably whats going on with me.I have read that new devices are coming out, or are out, that have the capability to recognize and treat an accelerated junctional rhythm. Anyone have one of these new devices?


Queen of Sheba

I am very happy to announce that my sweet dear hubby of 39 years has come through once again and saved the day. I think of my hubby as the Super Hero in my life... well most of the time anyway. He has really come around and tries so hard to make me happy.

He has re-wired the phone system, installed the jacks, set up "Merlin" for me and has me now on-line. I am official. He had me rest on the bed as he did all this. That's right, all I did was lay on the bed looking much like the Quee...


Goods vehicle driving

Any HGV drivers out there who have PM??
I,m just worried that I won,t be allowed to drive for a living, any advice welcome.


Renee are you a tax accountant?

I felt a need to reply to you here instead of my previous post so that people are not confused. After this I will consider this a dead issue.

You have not read through the document throughly. The " exceeds 7.5% of your adjusted gross income" pertains to all unreimbursed medical/dental expenses which includes transportation costs to the doctors /medical facilities.and other expenses which the IRS clearly spells out. I am sure there are some people who visit this site who do no...



I was wondering if any of you ladies have purchased the Clarisonic cleansing machine ? Will it interfere with my pacemaker ?


Pacemaker Induced Tachycardia

I had my third pm check-up a couple of days ago. Still pacing 99% ventrically, but Atrially down from 4.5% to 3%. Tecnician said everything really good but mentioned that there had been episodes of Pacemaker Induced Tachycardia and she could make an adjustment to the settings to counteract that. I don't need to have another check for 12 months so feeling really good about that, but can someome explain what P.I.T. is in (VERY)! simple language.
Also said up on screen that battery life left...


Just Wondering...

I had my ICD implanted on 11/2009. I didn't have insurance or anything at the time it was put in, and when I went to my 2 week follow-up appointment, the receptionists wouldn't even let me go back to be seen by the doctor that put the thing in because I didn't have Medicaid nor $50 or any insurance. I haven't had it tested, looked at, or nothing since I was released from the hospital.

It did beep one time when I was cleaning the refrigerator and I was putting magnets back on the free...


Say I am in a bank....

Lets say I am in a bank, I am about to walk up the teller, and couple of guys/gals get in to rob the bank. I play hero, and the big guy jumps me, and stabs me.

What happens, since I have a PM, does he get a jolt or do I die right away and he gets away? Has anyone done any research or been in such an episode?

Curious! if this makes you laugh, good....



I read a quote from the famous :::Albert Schweitzer:

"Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory".

... LET'S BE HAPPY and be glad that we are still here and enjoy life despite our PM's:) and forget the bad memories and pain but never forget to learn and share helpful ideas from it to others:)

life is like's a continuing process for us to grow and survive life:)



Not a valid user?

I tried to send a private message to member to apologize for a post, but it came up as member "Not a valid user"? Does anyone know wha that means?



i work in a papermill, i recently obtained a millwright position, but now because of my pacemaker defib. management wants to pull me off of the millwright job which means i have to go back to swing shift work, which at 49 yrs of age and a worn out heart sucks. the millwright position a 7-3:30 m-f job. because of the welding aspect of the job, they said it would be unsafe and they don't want the liability if something goes wrong. i have all the info from medtronics to reduce the risks of interact...


Mitro Valve Prolapse

Does anyone have experience with this? My GP had me lay on my left side and said he heard it. Said it was nothing to worry about. Had an echo done several weeks later and it didn't show.

Have been trying to get to the bottom of "what" I am feeling. I am frustrated and feel like I am not being heard. I have worn 2 halters already and PVC's, PAC's and skips showed up. No MVP.

But it really doesn't help me. At times when I feel my pulse, I can feel a slight pause. Doctor said...


Thank you

I am a paramedic so I KNOW that the human body is only a machine and machines break. Sometime they go their whole life running just fine and others need work as soon as they come off the assembly line. However even being a paramedic didn't prepare my psyche for the need of a pacemaker at age 38, I mean, c'mon! Pacemakers are for OLD people lol. (No offense intended to ANYONE on this site or elsewhere) I was diagnosed with bradycardia due to SSS. My heart rate which normally runs in the 80's rest...


Franks Thought for the Day

After each heart beat we start to die. It is only the next beat that resuscitates us. At an average HR we have something like 80,000-90,000 beats each day so some 80,000 times a day we start to die. Multiply that by 365 times your age and just think..all those emergencies and we are still here.

So relax and thank each one of those little beats and don't get upset if once in a while one takes a break.



I have been back to work...

...for 3 weeks now and have not been sick at all. I have been feeling wonderful since I had the dual lead pacer put in back in January. I told my friends I wanted to go bowling for my 44th birthday at the end of next month. I have not done that in about 20 years, but it will be fun. I am glad to see some of the other people on here home and out of the hospital. I know I am sick of hospitals from the past year. I was in like 15 times, ER and admitted. I am just glad I got things straighten...


Internist Checkup

Well I just came back from my monthly visit with my internist. I was concerned because I am still experiencing some lightheadiness since getting he pacemaker on 2/4/10. Well at the last visit she explained it may be caused by my circulatory system adjusting to my higher heart rate. Today she did a cardiogram, heart rate is 70, and is stopping my hydrochlorthiazide ( water pill) and potassium supplement. The water pill can cause lightheadiness and we will see if this helps.

She also wa...


Feel depressed

I feel very depressed, I just had my surgery a few days ago, and I am still recovering, with pain meds and some swelling. I feel my life has come to an end, not sure what to expect. I hope someone out here can write something inspiring, I sure could use something right now.



Renee, trip to doctor not deductible?

Hi Renee,

I appreciate you keeping us all honest and not commit tax fraud by trying to deduct the installation cost of a phone jack for medical purposes. I used to be an auditor for a very large company and I had seen it all. Thanks to us auditors we kept everyone honest! LOL

You did, however, make a comment to Pacergirl that trips to the doctor are not deductible and I just want to clarify that they are in case anyone is confused.

I copied the following from the...


Out and about

Hi All!!

Sorry I did not respond to posting or post anything. I had my shoulder reconstucted and was not quite able to go on line. I came home last night and just now got around to getting on-line. I am doing well. INR is bad back on lovenox and warfarin does we 1/2 timed it. Oxygen came down so am on home oxygen again for a few days.

I will get to everyone tomorrow, hopefully. I am pretty dingy. Lots of pain meds.

Till tomorrow, God Bless!



You know you're wired when...

You invested in the Energizer battery company.

Member Quotes

A pacemaker suddenly quitting is no more likely to happen than you are to be struck by lightening.